This is now my third day on my vacation. The last two days have been fun and I am doing stuff, not necessarily what I planned, but fun. The majority of the activity is creative along with sleeping in, catching the new premier episodes of Top Chef and, OMG, Project Runway. Also loved the return of Ghost Hunters. All three shows summarize me..... LOL.
I did get another page in the Gratitude Journal created and played with the journaling side. I like it. I pulled out my color spritzer tool which I bought YEARS ago and haven't used in YEARS. Had to google instructions .... yes, I kind of remembered but wasn't **surprise**surprise** patient enough to trust my instinct. I like the effects but, man oh man, it is tough on the hand and wrist. May go to an "electric" one I saw a few days ago....... Not jumping in to pay the $ 70 yet.
Whew..... now let me catch you up on the latest unplanned venture. I showed you my little moo cards a while back and my "do you wanna" play tennis card.... remember? Well my trainer, friend, tennis instructor/coach James wanted me to design a card for him. OH MY, I have never approached something like this and of course, hyperventilated, as I always do before I start an important project (to me).....
Over the last week I have prepared several designs (using my brother's tennis photos of James from two years ago) and we finally selected one he like and I got it ordered yesterday. This was the first time I played with "photoshopping" the different effects and used the glowing neon on this one. Fingers crossed that it comes out looking the way I want it. I trust my "moo" cards......
Now we will start on the second trainer, instructor, friend, Mary. However she weighed a lot more two years ago than now and my brother's tennis photos of her will not work. Yesterday I borrowed a camera and was out on the court taking photos (yes, in a cute tennis outfit) -- did I know what I was doing? Nope, but isn't that the name of the game -- fake it till you make it! Yes, I am laughing out loud. I am getting ready to download the photos so we will see. This camera is like so NOT ME. I love my little in-your-basic-black Sony digital camera.
Okay, next up today? It might be a stormy late afternoon, so not sure if I will get on the courts with James. In the meantime, I need to put up a new shelf (this was going to be a staycation on organizing, wasn't it?) and will work on the next layout for the Journal. Remember the "poultry" paper I bought??? Well, I got bits and pieces cut out last night watching Project Runway. Will get the sewing machine out and start creating.

Happy Staycatiion to you girl!!! Hope you have a great time creating and having fun. Looks like you are keeping yourself busy.
The sleep in rules! When you go vacay you do it with a flourish gal!
boo-yah, your little petit poucet
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