Oh boy, big word: "Arboreal" = (1) of, relating to, or like a tree; (2) inhabiting or frequenting trees....
I really like # 2 -- inhabiting or frequenting trees. Over at the land of lost luggage Julie is hosting her 2nd "annual virtual photo excursion. Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection, will document a single trees journey from Summer to Fall/Winter to Spring."
I have just selected my tree which is right outside my condo and I have watched this little tree grow since 1994. We have bonded and I have used photos of this one in previous blogs. I will be posting photos of this tree around November 8 and April 4. I really don't know what type of tree it is but it is mine.
I hope you are ready for the journey, I think my tree is and was kind of purring when I was out taking photos of it. The squirrels love it.
I really love taking photos of it looking straight up, especially in the fall and its little leaves are changing colors. And here is a closer photo from the third floor landing ....
It is basically a young tree as trees goes but it is a sweet one. My nephew pup, Oliver, loves this tree also and he helps with watering the tree...... So, hiya Julie, it's fun to introduce my tree to your tree.

Glorious tree, Marlynn! I love that you already have a history with it! Awesome! xo
I used to be quite arboreal when the mimosa tree was in the backyard. Alas, my dad cut it down and then the only tree to climb was the elm tree and it couldn't take three kids at once, not having enough crotches and boughs for them to lounge on.
Just a reminder that the Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection is up for an update next week. Try to make a post with both your original tree photo and your new tree photo and leave me a comment so I can update the links. Hope to see you then!
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