One more busy day on the staycation. Got the shark over to the Chrysler Service Department to get two parts ordered that are under warranty. The lovely boys I bought the car from in May bought me a rental plan. So I get a rental car at no cost to me to run over to the Mall across the street.... when I don't have to go back to work. Life is good. Real good. The mall was fun today - shopped, had lunch, shopped, had Starbucks, shopped. Then my service guy called and said the shark was ready....
Got one more page done in the Gratitude Journal ... Calling it the "Witches' Dance." My wonderful friend Korie had these two pages on her blog last year and she knew I would love them. Bless her little heart! xoxo Korie! I then used some clip art from Stampington and Company along with other places. I ripped a page out of an old copy of a 1963 Roget's University Thesaurus. Nicely yellowed pages.... really nice.
I have always loved the flying angel and the birds from Stampington:
She looks like I feel sometimes! LOL. Need to run and get ready for the evening viewing and catch up on The Closer episodes. Did not realize it was the season finale tonight and I have three more left to view. Just enough time........ Have a good evening, boys and girls.
Sounds like you were out having a wonderful day, while I was sitting behind a desk at work..BLECK!!!! Glad you had a great day!!!!! LOL...
I really like your latest work, very kewl!!!
Hi Marlynn, I have caught up on all your posts. You have been posting a lot lately. Ahhh, staycation with do that to you :) I love reading what you share. Your journal is really coming along beautifully! You amaze me with all that you do!
Oliver is such a sweetie! I am about to post a photo that includes my two sweeties as well.
Interesting what shows you watch on t.v.! Such a fab mix!
Have a lovley day.
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