Ahhhh, the Gratitude Journal.... yes, got one more page done today! Whew - didn't think I would. I gathered images last night that had been hanging around. Mostly magazine ads and it did come together. One of my fav detectives is H. Poirot. I love the actor, David Suchet, saw him in London in a play once. He is fantastic. Used his photo from my PBS schedule, had an ad for cat food (loved the cat), and cut out a model from an ad in Martha Stewart Living.
Added some black lace, then felt it needed something else and added the "dangles"..... so girly girl....... Did get a tennis game in this morning and I'm headed to Team Tennis tonight (wasn't suppose to play but I'm a sub).... should be fun since I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning! Have a good evening and I will be home in time to watch Top Chef!
When in doubt - go for the dangles! That's my motto and I'm sticking to it for tonight! ; )

1 comment:
Marlynn, your art journal is amazing. Where do you get all your inspiration???
Your rolodex is so full! I don't have one yet. I love the cards I received too! Isn't it fun?!
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