Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday and the honeysuckle are in bloom

Can't believe it is already just past noontime today. I got up early and did my tennis clinic. Oh my, it was hot and muggy out there today. We are not use to this -- nope, not the way our summer has been going. For once it felt like summer in the D.C. area! Got home and got the roast in the crock pot. You see baby pup Oliver is coming over at 4:45 today and I will be puppy sitting with the baby. So we are going to have a special dinner: roast, carrots, potatoes, steamed green beans, garlic bread -- and for dessert, (Oliver loves this these days) popcorn. Oliver's mummy and daddy are going out to dinner. I win... I get Oliver for the evening.

I need to start on my paperwhimsy Rolodex Cards. In fact I went out and bought a Sizzix Bigkick because they have a new Rolodex Bigz Clear Die. Please note they call it an address card. Oh yea!! That means I won't have to be trying to cut those little squares out at the bottom. Yes, I know there is a punch from Rolodex but GUESS WHAT.... it is not the same. No it is not. Don't let anyone tell you it is! A big SHOUT OUT goes to Korie who told me about this when we were over there on 4th of July. Thank you, sweetie....

I am also going to recommend you go over the Korie's blog, We Will Always Have Paris, to see her Friday Favorites. Korie - you nasty little enabler you -- I went over to Etsy Seller Piddix and bought some wonderful Alice in Wonderland digital images. Korie shows you her "pin-up" girls inchies. Too cool and prices are good and they are digital!

Well, I need to get to work. Just wanted to touch base. I need to work on the Rolodex cards and start organizing this chaos. I need to put up another "hanging" shelf - oh boy - not my favorite job in the world to do alone but we do what we have to do!

1 comment:

Debby said...

Ha!!! You are the lucky one, Oliver is adorable. Have fun playing with him. Hope he enjoys the roast, sounds yummy!!!

Happy rolodexing!!!! Is that a word? hehehe...