Sunday, July 26, 2009

Roloing and other sundry stuff in the Breeze

OH Boy, I did get ONE front side Rolodex card done yesterday. I'm taking a hint from one of the artists in on the swap. I read where she is doing all of the fronts and will go back and do the backside later on. I like that. I sometimes get hung up on the backside! Go figure. When I laid out the "color" cards I want to use, I selected the blue one first and then went to my paperwhimsy stash of stuff. Came up with the "R" word = RSVP. Used a little party girl and a Carte Postale (digital sheet from PW) and finished it off with rhinestones and Stickles.

Her head dress is made out of this wonderful "Chatres Lace" Prima flower found at paperwhimsy. I cut the flower up and so love the lacy quality of it. They just look too cute in their little blue container! Yes, it is all about the marketing!

Oliver was over last night and we had a bad rainstorm. He did enjoy his roast, I thought it was a little tough (I bought the wrong cut) but he loved it. You can see him peering out the window watching the rain pour down. Poor little thing, panting away. Lucky there wasn't too much thunder or lightening.

Luckily we got outside prior to the storm so he could do his after dinner business! And yes the rains came down!

Well, today has been a good one and is flying by really fast. Played tennis this morning. It was 80 and so muggy I had water droplets on the eyelashes - not good when trying to serve. Got my laundry done, lunch at my favorite Glory Days Grill, and grocery shopping accomplished. I bought a variety of what I will call "serenity" stuff. I love reading Patty's Magpie's Nest blog, especially on Wednesdays. She does tea time and with such grace. She does wordless Wednesday with brings such serenity. She just has lots of cool stuff, oh yeah, did I tell you her art work blows me away?

Anyway, at the grocery store I found some interesting candles and tea. Right now I do have one of the little candles going and it is very beautiful and calming. It has been a busy day and usually my time upstairs here in the chaotic studio is calm. . . most of the time except when I am in a panic trying to get something done on a deadline. This week I am going to take some special time to light a little candle and drink a cup of tea. I remember and have such wonderful memories of the Twinings Tea Store in London.

I have been eating this fantastic yogurt that you cannot find everywhere (here in my neighborhood I find it at Giant Grocery store). It reminds me of what true yogurt should taste and look like. It is also very healthful for you. I did a comparison of it to LaYogurt Mango:

Chobani at 6 oz has 140 calories, no fat, 19 grams of sugar, 14 grams of protein, 80 mg of sodium, and 20 grams of carbs. Not bad. LaYogurt at 6 oz has 170 calories, 2 grams of fat, 33 grams of sugar, 7 grams of protein, 110 mg of sodium, and 33 grams of carbs. Try the Chobaini you will love it! OK, enough of the ads. I need to begin to create..... The salmon is soaking in good stuff and will make a lovely dinner.


Debby said...

Love your rolodex card, beautiful!!!

Glad Oliver enjoyed the roast! He is so darned cute.

Terri said...

Hi Marlynn!
I love your Rolodex card, especially the head dressing. I too cringe at the back side! Great job!
I came on to look at your Quote for this month. Love it! I am waaayyy behind in the quote collage area.
I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing!

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

What a lovely surprise Marlynn, thank you for the shout out! I take that as a very special compliment coming from you! oxo
Fabulous hair on your PW girl, Love how you look at things!
We really needed that rain, didn't we, hope your cutie patootie puppy didn't get too nervous!
tootles for now!