Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh Oh in the Breeze

When you hear someone say, "oh,oh" -- what does that bring to mind. I know when I say it what it means. It is not necessarily good. Something went wrong usually at my own hands -- like a tennis ball flying off the court as I heard it hit the rim of the tennis racket.... Oh oh....

I finished the second Rolodex card for the trade yesterday. I was pleased with it. I was letting it "dry" upstairs. You see I use Tim Holtz distressables doo-dad typewriter keys and after I cut them out I put Ranger Glossy Accents on the top. Oh, Oh, you have to let them dry or they mess up. I came back upstairs thinking I would sit and blog about the little card. No, no....... I, somehow laid my glasses right on top of the card. Personally, I think it was the resident gremlin up here and that gremlin was upset because I was cleaning up some of the chaos.

OK, breathe in, breathe out, repunch the "e" and the "a" and glue them back on. Get the glossy accents. Check the souffle colors put on the tea cup stamp created by Michelle Ward and sold by Stampington. Add a little black ink line. Turn the card around, add another so you don't put your hand in the still-wet glossy accent. AND, OH OH - the glossy accent slipped off the letter as I was spinning the card this way and that and everything is a mess again. So now I have to really really really clean up the mess with some Memories Sweep Potato acrylic paint. It does match the background paper. Whewwwww.....

Yes, it is OK. Thank you, thank you, thank you...... a big sigh here.... As you can see, I also decided to add, once again, the Chatres Lace Lt Pch Prima flower for her collar. Overall I liked how this came out. Have not touched the back yet, I am now moving on to the next card....

You know, you always hear there are no mistakes, just some opportunity for creative inventiveness. Well, yes, there are mistakes in art and sometimes we have to accept the fact that nothing we can do will fix it. It is called "acceptance." I have one such mistake hanging on the wall to remind me, it is OK to accept and move on without stressing. Check out this one:

Oh yeah, baby, there are mistakes! LOL..... this is from a Christmas ornament make-and-take from Recollections before they closed. Guess you have to let the Stickles dry? MAN, like will I ever find the patience to let stuff dry! One day, yes, one day!


Debby said...

LOL... I hate waiting for things to dry...blah!!!! The rolodex cards are looking really good..

Terri said...

Oh I do understand! Especially with rolodex cards. Last time I made them I did the back side upside down 3 times in a row!!! aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
I like what you did with your ornament....I think I will make myself an acceptance "mistake" piece out of my next boo boo that can't be fixed....just accepted. I love it and I love your post!

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

Someone once used the word "flopportunity" to describe Oh Oh's...always loved that! My philosophy is there is nothing a little gesso won't fix LOL!
I've not done any rolodex cards, yours are inspiring M!