Yes, my little honeysuckles, I know "Zigeunerherz" is pushing the Z word. But, hey, thanks to my bud, Patty, over at the
Magpie's Nest, I came up with my Z WORD! At tea earlier this month, we were discussing the final (yes, last all-done- # 26 ATC alphabet card) card which just happened to be "z" and my find of the Italian word for gypsy, "zingaro" .... She said -- the German word for gypsy began with a Z also... and my mother's side is German and, guess what, we were off and running..... I asked her for the German translation of the phrase: The Gypsy Heart (see card above). So let us begin here in the Breeze:
I gathered my ideas together in one spot: 1) playing card already covered with sheet music; 2) image of Gypsy (I colored in her head gear with a pencil); and 3) some rusty hearts kept for a special occasion. The sheet music needed a "little" something - paint maybe?
OH my, just happened to have my most FAV paints in the whole wide world available. . . Claudine Hellmuth Studio paints by Ranger are the best in the world. I really do love them and have gotten to the point of only using them when I am looking for an acrylic paint. Using the two reds with a "dry" brush, I wanted just a little hint of the paint to peek through the elements that were to go on top of the card.

Some of you know, how at times, I think I am done with a piece but then keep adding and adding. This adventure was no different. First run through ended up with adding ribbon, images, rusty heart, and the letter "z"...... but I felt......

We needed something else. Looking on my desk I found two black brads... OK, we are on to something,

Still a little flat, I felt....... so I walked away from it and went downstairs and to my surprise, what did I fine? A wee bit of "silver" the exact size I needed for her crown,

I swear to you, on a bunch of honeysuckles waving in the breeze, I DID not even have to trim anything off this bit of silver German scrap... it was the exact size. And that my little honeysuckles is how
das zigeunerherz was born, her gypsy heart on her sleeve! And so in closing for today - I have to do some work from work for work..... today.... which is OK since it will make my upcoming 4-day week better! LOL..... I did get the sticker on the Red Queen and she went out in public yesterday to the grocery store and met her kissing cousin,

A bit of history according to me: the designer of the PT Cruiser ran away from Chrysler and went over to Chevy and then designed the HHR (Red Queen to you all). Could not have planned this photo if I had wanted to ... it was in the Wonderland Starz (oh my another "z")...... Yes Her Highness Royal has wormed her way into my heart and will be giving the lady bug (whom I loved and adored and in a moment of weakness traded in for The Shark one year ago) a run for her money,
Hmmmm, I think all the Red Queen needs is a little flower holder for red flowers and one red Harley?