I hit Shoppers, then had to go Giant. Shoppers seemed to be out of some of my essentials. While at Giant I passed the cookie aisle. Yes, I was feeling sick, weary, bleary eyed, hacking cough, sore nose, and felt nothing would really make me feel better than cookies. Cookies don't tempted me too much - not like popcorn. Cookies are OK. However the box drew me to it. The box led me to believe that these cookies would be so moist and good they would melt in my mouth. What was I thinking. Had the cold infiltrated my brain?
You gotta admit the box was tempting.
What more can I say. Little dweebs. Truth in Packaging and Advertising have a way to go before this product gets it right. I think they tasted like cardboard but I have to admit my taste buds weren't working real well. Enough said - cough and I are hanging out tonight. It is getting chilly...
1 comment:
Oh you made me laugh so hard with "little dweebs", hee! What a riot of an adventure, that picture of the cookies is worth a thousand wah wah wahhhs. But how could you go wrong with a great line like "simply enjoy"?
I have an ad line of my own:
Life with honeysuckle breeze. It's just...better.
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