Absolutely amazing what a visit to the trailer park will do for you. Who knew it could rebirth your enthusiasm for normalcy! You go Chef Ramsey, kick some butt. Yup, Hell's Kitchen was pretty good. See post below for more of an explanation on this stream of unconsciousness!
I forgot to tell you of an incredible site I found today and order some digital collage sheets. paperwhimsey is eye candy. Just beautiful and refreshing and I know many of you already know about this site. Love the collage sheets and ordered and downloaded four today. I am planning on using some of the images on the arch murderess accordion booklet. You can see the some of the items from her shoppe and see why I am so pleased with these sheets.
OK - I'm back and getting ready to do a few things while the stupid ghost buster boys are showing on the Travel Channel. They are really quite psycho! Trust me, they are. And of course, I am not!

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