Honeysuckle Breeze a land of calmness, serenity, and beauty. The sea washes the soul. The moon lights the way. The breeze sings a lullaby. The Phoenix watches over you.
At some point She lost her tail feathers plucked for a creation, most likely - but one needed just the perfect feather for just the perfect creation for just the perfect friend. I'm sure. Is she not a beauty hanging over me, looking after me, making sure my muse is allowed in. . . she has been here for several years.
Started working on the March Edward Gorey neglected murderess, Miss Elspeth Lipsleigh. This one should be interesting since I can't seem to find out anything about her except what is on the calendar. I know my phoenix will swoop down and assist in the quest for the perfect creation for March. That will be worked on tomorrow.
I found an interesting bit of information on a blog I skim over every once in awhile about the Goddess Hecate' She is Goddess of Witchcraft, Magic, Crossroads, Wilderness, and Childbirth. WOW what a resume. She is also known as "Trivia" - the Goddess of Crossroads. This little bit of information is for all my friends out there who are into trivia or not.
I need to work on some creations tonight. I am kind of sad because my Claudine Hellmuth received bad news about her puppy, Toby, who has mouth cancer and she was so excited yesterday to take him for his final cancer treatment only to find out that the cancer had returned. It reminded me of the loss of Cricket - the bestest cat soul mate in the world and although it has been over four years since he passed from a cancerous tumor, my eyes tear when I read of others going through the same kind of pain I walked through.
Cricket crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge in April 2005 (son of a gun - I really didn't realize the aniversary was so close) - could be why it is a little sensitive at the moment. He is definitely singing with the angels and crowing with the roosters. Still miss you sweetie. xoxoxo.

OK, enough of that I need to catch a falling star and probably go watch my DVR and Hell's Kitchen. That will get me out of my funk. Can't believe Carla blew it on Top Chef Wednesday night. I think I have mentioned this before - but I was asked today the difference between Hell's Kitchen and Top Chef.... simple - think Penthouse (Top Chef) versus trailer park (Hell's Kitchen)! A little trailer park and then ghost busters is the recipe for a pick-me-up! Have a good evening. Be back with you tomorrow.
1 comment:
oh it is so hard to spend such a short time with our furry family. it doesn't seem fair does it. we should get longer. 10-15 years is not enough!!!
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