Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Woooooo Hoooooo America!

Not too much to say. Need sleep.

YESTERDAY: Got up at 4:30 am. Got to polling place at 5:40 am. Played catch-up at work. Had workout with James. Ran reading glasses back to eye center after 4:30 pm workout. Home at 6:45. Shower. Dinner. Watch TV. Fall asleep at 9:30 pm. Wake up for what ever reason (with TV running) right as Obama was declared the winner. Watched both incredible speeches by two fine men. Although I did not vote for one of them, that one's service to this country has been remarkable.

Wooooo Hooooo America!

TODAY: I remember vividly April 1968 -- I was a junior in college. A group of us, along with a professor, were having coffee at a cafe when we heard the news that Dr. Martin Luther King had been shot. June 1968 -- with all of my young ideals tied to another Kennedy (yes, in 1963, I tried and think I did convince my parents to vote for John Kennedy) -- watch the news with some college friends and in front of our eyes, Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down. Yes, I still have his autograph on a program he did in Oklahoma City. The blush was off the rose and we knew at that point we would never be the same. Who would have guessed 40 years later. . .

I love this day. I love America. I am proud we all came together and voted for who and for what we believe will be the best for this country.

God Bless America and Us!


Annette said...

I am soosooooo happy!

Marlynn said...

Me too - I'm doin' the Snoopy Dance here in my Honeysuckle Breeze World!

~*~Patty S said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my Magpie's Nest :) It IS a beautiful day, full of promise for a bright future oxo