Tuesday, November 25, 2008

After all is said and Done

YES, I finished the taxi cross stitch and got it mounted on the London Album. The next thing I did was to look for the metal letters Larcy had given me that I wanted to use on the album -- and BAM - there is the little original cross stitch. Can you believe it? Yes, look close, you can see it. It is peaking through the metal letters, safe and sound from all harm, nestled in the bottom of the little container. OH well, I am going to try to use it. Here is where we are now. The original album:

The cross stitch and black mat mounted on the album.

Experimenting with a die cut which I did mount.

And, seeing if I like the idea of a line of taxis. We will figure that out later. Have to get going, chili is in the crock pot. Oliver came home following his little manly man surgery, clip clip. So Larcy, Phil, and poor little Oliver will be over in about 45 minutes for chili and Frito's!

OH, I went to the dentist today for a cleaning and he announced I had two small cavities and I said can you fill them now and he said sure -- can we do it without Novocain - I said sure and we did it. No dead feeling in my mouth, no drooling, and their wasn't really any pain - they were just starting and little bitty cavities. WOW - I'm cool beans! I also went to a tennis clinic. So a busy day waiting for Jim and Aaron to arrive tomorrow about 6:00 pm! Bye bye....

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