Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Boys are headed Home

It has been an eventful Thanksgiving this year. My festivities started out with Oliver, Phil, and Larcy coming over for Hard Times (slow cooked in crockpot) Cincinnati Chili Tuesday evening. Oliver had been slowly recovering from his "fixing" job and didn't have to wear the "cone" at Auntie's house since he was held most of the time by one of the three of us.

My heat went out sometime late Tuesday evening and I realized it on Wednesday morning. Now, guess what, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is not the most opportune time to try to get your heat guys out. Do you know what I mean. They are busy finishing jobs that have/had been scheduled and the day is full until 8:00 pm. Wednesday is also the day that the boys showed up. I met them at 8:30 pm at our favorite Glory Days for a steak dinner and then we headed home. The two positive sides to this story are: 1) the boys like their home cold (NOT me); and 2) I do have a working gas fireplace.

So we made it through the night and not too badly. I pulled out more blankets for Aaron and me since we slept upstairs where it was a little colder. Jim had the privilege of sleeping on the living room floor (where he usually does) and had the heat rising from the condo below and the residual heat from the gas fireplace. Well, the heat guy showed up at 8 am on Thanksgiving morning (bless his heart) and many hundred dollars later the heat was fixed. Basically it was an investment in the heat unit - he said although 14 years old -- it is in exceptional working order since the owner (ME) has kept it so clean and in good working order. It really has not given me that much problem.

We had a great late lunch with Larcy, Phil, and Oliver joining our traditional turkey dinner. This part of the tradition started last year -- however we added a new little 4-legged pup to the fun this year. Oliver and Aaron got along really well. Larcy and I really love (the guys do too) Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes. Larcy mashes well with the electric mixer. I let her mix and me, I get the stuffing, rolls, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce ready for the table. Jim stands in the corner carving the turkey. Aaron, Phil, and Oliver do the best thing by staying out of the way watching whatever is on TV!

Now today -- after getting up at 5 am to get the boys off on the road (they were not going home until tomorrow but saw the snow forecast for the area they would be driving in and decided to head home a day early to miss the brunt of the weather) by 6 am, I am now getting sleepy. However, need to do laundry and some craft stuff - I'm suffering from withdrawal here folks! I did get the Paris photos selected for the new photo album scrapbooking adventure. The finish of the London album got me "jump" started! So I may post again late in the afternoon to see what I have accomplished. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

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