Wednesday, November 18, 2009

OH the drama, oh the horror, my oh my my little honeysuckles

There was one fatality in the cleaning frenzy yesterday. One is gone and a new one is in. Yup, my little old Electrolux would not read the fact that it had a bag in its belly and would not run. Bye Bye... out to the trash container...

I got my first Electrolux from my mother and grandmother. It was refurbished and the year was 1975. It came to Northern Virginia with me in 1979. It was turned into a "dealership" for parts in 1992. New Electrolux came home and lived with me until yesterday. OK, she looks pretty good in the garbage but you can't see the tons and tons of duct tape strapped to her little body. Her plastic was so brittle she could look at a corner before hitting it and crack, crack, crack.

This is all that is left. I felt pretty bad tonight when I saw the bits and pieces in the parking lot. I really did. . . that is until I ran the new vacuum cleaner.

Saw an ad for Big Lots and there was a little Dyson Ball machine. Ran over there and plunked down my money after work. Got home. Put the babe together and HOLY COW, Batman, where did all that dirt come from??? WHERE.

What has the Electrolux been doing? Sucking up nothing? Oh well, my mourning period stopped and the little Dyson took over the role of Alpha Cleaner!

When I got the Dyson home I did not realize it was also a "refurbished," whoops, "remanufactured" - (oh come on - refurb is a refurb machine) but that doesn't bother me since the creator takes care of the baby for 6 months and my first vacuum was a refurb. BUT, I have to tell you the box was deceiving. I really thought it was a miniature vacuum for short people..... (that's better than the original word I used which I don't think is very PC). Short people are cool. BUT then she got put together and is a top model. Oh, yes, the living room looks great!

If I say so myself.... and I guess I do...

Need to run downstairs, pup Oliver is showing up tomorrow and I have to get his "room" ready for when mommy and daddy bring him over during the day when I'm at work and he will be locked up in the bathroom/bedroom with his fence in the door. I even cancelled tennis so I can spend the night with him. Will post tomorrow on my getting published in Somerset Studio Gallery - will be on the news stand on Dec. 1.....


Annette said...

I have been thinking of getting a Dyson. Do you love it?

Debby said...

LOL...Glad to see the new vac is in. You crack me up! I bet Oliver will love his visit. Can hardly wait to hear more on the Gallelry! Congratulationa!!!

Marlynn said...

Oh, Annette, I would recommend the Dyson to anyone right now. Still in the honeymoon period. LOL

Terri said...

Great that you have that all fixed up now! Makes me laugh about how much dirt you found when you used your new one : )
I can't wait to see you in the new mag!!! Hooraaaaay for you!!!!!!!!

Boutade said...

Wow, I love it. Our vacuum finally choked ad when we got the new one it was amazing how much dirt it got up. We really had been sucking up nothing.

Way to keep some pieces for a memento, maybe they'll end up in a creation of yours? lol!