Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And to all a Blessed Thanksgiving!

The boys are in Indy tonight and will be headed here tomorrow for our annual Thanksgiving holidays! The boys = my brother, Jim, and my nephew/Godson, Aaron. As you know, Oliver is home with his mommy and daddy but all three of them will be back over here for Thanksgiving. I am trying to organize a few things before life gets a little hectic. The table centerpiece is set and waiting for the dishes and silverware. The grocery shopping is done. The turkey is thawing. I love this holiday and love the cooking.

First of all I am working on some gift tags and trying a new design. I am going to be using regular office tags and I found the most wonderful digital art work over at Itkupilli Blog/Shop. It is Marie Antoinette in pink for the holidays. Check it out here. Below are a few of the ideas I'm playing around with. Please note this digital sheet was just printed off on plain white paper and you cannot see the brilliance of the designs and they look a little yellow due to the lighting in my living room where I took the photos really quick before running up here to blog.

I used the ATC notecard with the Tower in the background and then added Marie along with an added Santa hat and ribbon to her neck..

On this one I added a fan to her hair and a ribbon to her neck...

Here I added the front pink tree and the Marie image - or it might be the "mother" ... but most likely Marie....

Sad to say I have not decided on my design for my Christmas cards this year. But am starting to work on at least two cross stitch "presents" and will insert a photo in each. I have had these little kits for years and years. Bought them on sale and put them aside. I know at the time I had great plans for them. Oh, well, guess this is called going "Green" - pull out the old and use it! LOL.

And......once again pulled out the Christmas Quilt. Been working on this for 6 years and pull it out each Thanksgiving thinking I will get it done for the next Christmas. Oh well, one year you will see it done....

And ... And .... and of course, I am still going to be working on the Wicked photo album which will also be a Christmas gift.
Yes, panic will set in soon and you will be listening to my lamenting! Same warm tonight and if you are getting ready to hit the road, drive safely. Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Julie Prichard said...

Don't finish the Christmas quilt...it's tradition now!

Happy Thanksgiving, Marlynn!

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Hoping you and yours had a really lovely Thanksgiving!
Hard to believe it's come and gone!
And what is it about time moving at warp speed ....whoossshhh! and it will be 2010 OMGoodness!
Marie is looking splendid in her holiday garb....so luverly!!!