Ms. La Ferle (Ms. Cindy to me) begins this essay by proclaiming, "Four times a year, I indulge in a ritual that puzzles my neighbors, not to mention my family." OK, boys and girls, if my mistress started a post out like that - I would run. BUT, Ms. Cindy is not my mistress so you are safe.
She goes on, what she calls, a sacred escape, for twenty-four hours. Her retreat is close to her home. My mistress has a friend who regularly goes off on weekend retreats with the nuns somewhere in Vienna (Virginia that is).....
These type of get-aways does recharge your batteries and we all should probably consider this - if not for a weekend than for twenty-four hours. Retreats come in different shades. My mistress will sometime call her "Craft Chix" weekends - her retreats. A place to leave everything behind and indulge in creative ventures which is also spiritual to her.
Ms. Cindy, states, "I highly recommend retreating to everyone, regardless of religious affiliations. Women, especially, need to give ourselves permission to step aside for a breather. . ." She continues, "Wherever you retreat, your aim should be to return to your daily responsibilities with fresh perspective and a renewed spirit to share with others."

I agree, I even like the sound of that word.
Retreat? Harley sure doesn't, but he spins a great story around one. I totally agree with the philosophy, though.
Retreat IS a great concept and not hard to accomplish either! I like it!
Happy Tuesday!
OH yes, we all need our retreat! Looks like Harley is okay with it. I am going to think about this work RETREAT and plan one for little ole me..
What does the book say about frequent 6 day long retreats?
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