Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home is in the Honeysuckles!

Hi, Hon, I'm home! Woooo Hoooooo, and oh by the way, I picked up another boy toy on my travels.... I know I am such a COUGAR....

It was so good to get back home. To me there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. Those hotel beds can be way too soft and you end up suffocating yourself in pillows. And by the way Disney was fun.

Bad news, I picked up another cold along the way, also. Second one since the first of March and I don't deal with colds well, never have and never will. They linger for on to three weeks. So it seems like I was only over the last one a week before this beauty on a grand scale bug hit me. Airplane air is dirty, no matter what they say.... dirty, dirty and when you are the only female in a row of six which happen to be five men with colds, you are doomed.

But life goes on and guess who came to visit? Yes, Oliver came over last night in all his glory and we were able to sleep in this morning. He has been napping off and on all day between walks. At the computer:

On the recliner:

And then, ladies and gentlemen, the real test. Oliver meets Harley for the first time. Harley has usually been hiding out in the convertible and doesn't like to come in much. But as Oliver's mum, Larcy said, neither are really real dogs..... they just play one on TV.

Harley tried his darnest to get Oliver to play with him even to the point of trying to SOAR through the air flapping his little arms. But Oliver ignored him (lucky him):

Having tried to roll Oliver back over, "on the count of three, ONE, two, three....." Harley gave up and decided I should be posting about the friends he made at Disney...

the first:

And a matey pirate...
When you wish upon a star....

Makes no difference who you are. You will find your true love somewhere out there.... hmmm, tra la, tra la, or is that a snack he thinks my little Harley is? NOOOOooooo, this is Disney and we have only happy endings.... except for Bambi who lost his mother and I have never forgiven Walt for that one and never will.....

And lest you think I am not creating anything..... I am working on 8 ATCs for an upcoming crop swap. I can do that between blowing my nose!

Now back to cutting out more images.....


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so sorry to hear you have a cold. They are not fun. I have really been blessed this year (and last, too, come to think of it). Food poisoning aside, I've been pretty illness free (knock on my wooden head). Please get better really, really soon.

I'm so jealous of you and Oliver. If Bleubeard would only lie still long enough for me to photograph him in such cute positions, I would have some really clever stories to tell. But Oliver is a story all on his own. Then add in Harley, and you have a laugh fest.

Looks like you are making headway on those ATCs, too. Get to feeling better and have a great Sunday with your two favorite boys.

Debby said...

I am so glad Oliver made it over for a visit, bet he was glad to see you, he is so darned cute. Looks like Harley was real excited to see to hear you have a cold, but I am glad you are home.

Diane said...

I LOVE Disney--it's my favorite place--I'm really jealous, but I know what you mean about being back and refreshed, although you don't sound so refreshed with that cold :( Love the pics of Oliver--I haven't seen Bob in a Loooong time. They both work full time, live way on the other side of town, and I'm a winter hermit, but I'll be seeing him soon :)

Larcy said...

I still wouldn't turn my back on Oliver and Harley. Something tells me no good could come of it!

~*~Patty Szymkowiczw said...

here is a tip a friend's surgeon told her about ... when you fly apply a small amount of anti-biotic ointment in the opening of your nostrils ... seems it helps shortstop the germs circulating in the air system! You can sometimes find little foil pkgs at the drugstore, perfect for traveling.
feel better soon!
your ATCs look great already!