Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time to Remind my Muse who is the Boss

If you remember, you met Missy Karma Muse on February 10. Yes, Karma is my muse and hangs on the the wall by my computer just looking at me. I've read a few blogs this week, where artists are discussing the "blahs" -- yes, the "blahs" - I can only imagine that this could be happening in the universe for several reasons: 1) February is such a grey month; 2) the Olympics are over; 3) the Vernal Equinox (March 20) is near? Who knows, just seems some of you are having a little bit of trouble with your Missy Muses.

I was engrossed in the Olympics and did some catch up by cutting articles out of creative magazines and gluing in a book and tossing the magazines. That helped with some of the clutter but I didn't create any art.

I have not created an Alphabet ATC since February 21, but not too worried about that and don't blame it on my missing Karma. She just sits there with her cigarette hanging loose and probably has a beer bottle close by. Just my luck she picked me and is NOT missing. OK, back to creations. Soon, very soon, I will get to back to them. I did create this past weekend at my Claudine's waxing workshop. (See the weekend post) That felt good. I have to now unload my waxing items and get things back into their place - - kind of. If you saw the chaos I'm sitting in, you would be surprised there was a "place" for stuff. But there is...

I did receive several snail mailed packages this past week and these made my heart sing.....First of all, I bought some vintage paper off of an etsy shop who wanted to clear out some of her stock...... I call this white on white.... so beautiful, this color we call white.

And then over at PaperWhimsy we did a Tag Triptych Exchange.... I sent mine off the Canada and received this from Karen in Wisconsin. Love the purples!

I am pleased to announce that I won the OWOH (One World One Heart 2010) giveaway on Elizabeth's blog, Altered Book Lover. Here is the link to her post announcing and describing the decorative quiltlet that I won. I then won another giveaway on her blog a few days earlier. And the package arrived. I hit pay dirt...

Look at this scrumptious paper... she painted that paper... she created it..... and off to the left is some wonderful Asian paper I will be able to use when waxing.... I'm excited....

And check out this wonderful "number" - I made it into a "9" and added it to one of my purchased journals (look right under the word "questions" to see the "9," yup, 90 it became):

I just keep adding to the cover of this journal. And more stuff - dress maker tissue, some sheet music (my fav) and on and on. Such a treasure trove. Thank you, Elizabeth, from the bottom of my heart!

Am I a lucky girl or what????? Need to fix dinner..... Yes, Missy Karma Muse is still looking over my shoulder and is not lost nor has she run away. If you would like to borrow her, let me know. We knock heads off and on but over all she has a kind and creative little heart. Cackle, cackle. Have fun no matter what you might be doing this eve! My Ghost Hunters are BACK for their sixth season opener at Alcatraz. I love my guys the best!!! On at 9:00 PM EST on SyFy.


Debby said...

What a fun post! You could kick Ms. Muse's butt my direction for a bit if you want to unload her for at all your goodies, everything is beautiful. So fun to get great mail.

Terri said...

I love your Miss Karma! What a Muse she must be.

And look at all those goodies you have received! Yea for you!
I began working with paper tonight, yea for me! I made some paper flowers.
I am collecting what I need for my new Color class with Julie...I am ready to get started!
On Sunday I am taking a painting class with Jodi Ohl in my city. I am looking forward to that too!
I hope your week is going very well: )
Hugs to you!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love Karma. I guess I need a muse. Would she come visit me sometime? Guess I have to create my own (grin).

I'm so glad you liked your package of goodies.

Diane said...

I love looking at all of these creative treasures. I know what you mean about the blahs, not so much about art--that's the only thing that's keeping me going right now. I just can't wait for the warmer weather!! (I'm more into the Ghost Adventures on the Travel channel on Friday nights :)

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Art Mail is THE best mail!
Lucky you for certain!
Lovely sunshine out there today!