Pronunciation: \ˌbrē-kō-ˈläzh, ˌbri-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from bricoler to putter about
Date: 1964
: construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand; also : something constructed in this way
I have never seen nor heard of this word - but now thanks to Elizabeth over at Altered Book Lover she introduced me to it and you need to see the work of art she created. BAM - I was off and running Monday night. Elizabeth sent me a stash of stuff (SOS) when she sent me the wonderful OWOH (One World One Heart 2010) art work I won on her blog. (Have not hung it yet but the quilt is so wonderful and colors so vibrant....
I know you can just see the red netting.... remember that..... it all began with that. I hand-sewed it onto a journaled page and was off and running....
Grabbed some catalogues with images...... so we worked away - my muse and me..... watching the tv......
Bits and Pieces:
I loved the lace Elizabeth sent so sewed it to ramp up the red netting....
So there the page is right next to my dear Poirot.... Enjoy your evening!

I love the way this came out and I love the idea of bricolage (it does sound like a food, doesn't it) I never heard that term before either until I read her blog--but I like the idea. I could proably make at least 100 of these and still have plenty of things on hand :)
I never considered myself a trend setter before, but thanks so much for the very wonderful shout out and nice remarks. I am glad to see you were able to use some of my art fodder I sent. I love the finished page and noticed not only the leaves, but also the vintage girls. You are simply too, too sweet, Marlynn.
I love the Little Shop of Horrors donut - little does Krispy Kreme know that they have jelly eating donuts...testing, testing, 1, 2, 3 :)
I totally understand how you could not resist those potatoes in that super bag ... what great use you've made of the netting! I recognize that long tall autumn looking lady from a fav catalog, I think I need to order something so they'll keep sending it ;)
Lovely piece and goodies from our Elizabeth!
You art bloggers amaze me and keep introducing me to so many wonderful things -- thank you! As a writer who does artwork, you are tempting me to do an art blog as well -- but I wonder where I would find the time these days ...
Marlynn, The collage you made is amazing. And I enjoyed the link to the site you included in this post. I am always interested in the work of fellow book artists.
I'd heard of the word, just never knew its origin or exact meaning (I thought it was an artsy fartsy made up word meaning "assembled junk"). I am defintely a "bricoler"!
Love the use of your veggie bag netting. I NEED to make some art! You are creating circles around me!
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