Monday, January 19, 2009

Honeysuckle Breeze today - snow flurries

Well, I finally got my baby shower gift done! Worked on it all last night till 11 pm. Started on it again this morning at 8:30 am and finished at 1 pm (with a half hour for lunch!). So then we wash it, dry it, and put it in its box. Korie - sorry I will miss you baby shower tea - I really really am!

Next on my plate was to come up with a tag. No this gift did not deserve a store bought tag but I was running out of time to make something else. Well, as luck would have it - and left over from my time when I made many greeting cards -- I found the perfect one made several years ago.

It is a "sketch" stamp for Stampin Up which I stamped onto watercolor paper. Watercolored it. Put vellum on top and glued it to a card. SO, I got rid of the card, got into my fabricl stash and started sewing away. I will credit this part with an inspiration from Magpie's Nest on January 18 called "Cherry Red." Nope, my tag does not look anything like hers but it was the inspiration to get into my scrap bag! Bless you, Patti.

Now, I need to wrap my mind around leaving town. I leave on Thursday morning to fly to Indy and will return next Monday. Part is work and the other part fun. I am visiting my niece and her family and then my brother will drive up from St. Louis (or is that over?)..... So I am looking forward to having a lot of fun!

Need to finish some cleaning stuff - putting clean sheets on the bed -- then getting ready for tennis. The few snow flurries today were real pretty and are starting to melt now. Nice day.


Anonymous said...

Oh my.... I cannot, cannot wait. You know how much I love heart/hand made items.

I really wish you were going to be there to enjoy the tea with me. Have a safe trip!

~*~Patty S said...

Thanks so much for the mention, sweet of you! Inspiration is everywhere we turn isn't it! Lovely what you made...combining fabric and paper is just so much fun!