Saturday, January 31, 2009
Giddy Up CowGirls.....Journaling
Miss Me?
WOW! I certainly missed you all and I missed my Honeysuckle Breeze. I really did miss everyone and my routine. Seems I have been on the go since Thanksgiving and really have had no time to stop and smell the honeysuckles. But times they are a changin' - yes they are. No trips planned in the near future - my calendar right now says October for a Michelle Ward workshop.
In my last post I told you about a gift I was making for our dear friend Korie - but I would not show you since she reads this blog. Well the shower took place, I missed it, and so here is what I made her..... yes, a little baby bib. I also put other stuff in the box which I know she liked. I just know my Korie. She is due now in about two weeks.
I have not made a baby bib since the 90s. I believe the last one I made was for a great nephew in 99. I have also made cross stitch baby blankets over the years which are always fun. So bottom line - Korie got the last baby bib in the home. Lucky I had one left because when I went to check out some "different" colors - there were literally no cross stitch bibs in the stores to be found. None! Yes, Korie, I washed it before I crossed stitched it. It was packed away in a drawer literally forgotten
On my trip out of town I did take a small cross stitch with me to work on the plane. It is the Tower of London I bought at the Tower of London in 2005. Cross stitching is relaxing for me, especially on the plane.
While travelling this time, I gathered my visual journal items. That was fun and can't wait to work with them - soon. This "not creating" is making me a little tense. I am missing it.
If you remember, I travelled to Indy on business and then stayed a few days over to visit my family. I had not seen my niece since 1988. I have only seen photos of her wonderful son. He is like so cool and special. My brother and nephew, Aaron, were also there. It was a lovely time. I gave her the book you all have seen called "Where I'm From" - and explained the photos to her. I think she loved it. Nope, I know she did.
The one thing I also gave her was something very very dear to me. It was time to move it to her. Right before my Mom died she purchased a necklace thru a catalogue and gave it to my Dad. She told him it was the key to her heart and he put it on. She died three months later. He never took it off until he died 16 months later. When he took his last breath my aunt took the necklace off of him and gave it to me. I have had it since March 2000. I did always chuckle when I put it on because I told Mom and Dad they were coming with me to wherever I was headed.
And now, my Mom's only granddaughter has it - and it is the way it was meant to be. She now can take them around with her when she puts it on. Does the photo of the three look like the leaning tower of pizza? (Yes, I'm hungry)...
My great nephew and I ended up playing Wii Sports on Saturday. I love the tennis on it and did go out and buy me one today. I think it might have helped my game on Thursday night. Today I need to get it hooked up. I need to order Wii Fit. I need to lose 5 pounds...... and on and on. It is chilly here and I have a beef stew cooking in the crock pot. I also want to create in my visual journal .... and watch the women's final at the Australia Open. Yes, I know Serena won but I have to see how she took the first set (6 games) in 20 minutes. She rocks!
In closing -- is this photo of Caden not the best. Just a bundle of energy! He was not realllll happy when I got a higher score on one of the "training" tennis games than him. Oh well, baby, sometimes old women rock!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Honeysuckle Breeze today - snow flurries
Sunday, January 18, 2009
CheckOff - Pillow done!
Slowly getting stuff done!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sewing Saturday

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
San Antonio Visual Journaling
Been really busy at work and my brain is tired, however, I did work on a page in my visual journal when I got home tonight. Almost time for dinner. I also plan to print some photos of the Alamo I took and will probably do so on a transparency for the next page. Will work on that soon.
Tonight I didn't feel like printing photos. I did pull out the "lady" out of my clip art transparency stash. I also need to make this page look more San Antonio and not sure how to do that tonight. So you sense a little bit of low energy here? I think it's the weather.
I also worked on the cover for my fabric book and like the way it is shaping up. I haven't had time this week to work on my "image" transfer and will experiment again on Saturday and, hopefully, the advice from Korie the other day will help me out. I am going to master this if it drives me batty. OH yeah, I'm already batty!
I used a piece of Grandma's crochet on the cover. I always admired her handiwork. She tried to teach me how to crochet but I never got into it like I did the cross-stitch or quilting. I also like the fact that it has a few discolored spots that have appeared over the years. It gives it character. I also, once again, loved the material that I received at Korie's workshop this past summer.

I plan to finish the book up this weekend. It is a three-day weekend and I'm ready for it. I would really like to put an image transfer on the cover and that may or may not happen. We will see. I thought I would share a photo of Grandma from the 1980s. Many times she did not smile when her photo was taken but here it is almost there! She was a very very special lady. You have seen the younger photo of her in previous posts on the fabric book.
Need to get supper. It is suppose to be really cold tonight. Everyone -- bundle up!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Christmas Past
OK, I digressed a little. The photo is one I just LOVE. Shows our Irish Leprechaun in all his splendor with a lovely photo of Oliver and yellow ducks! A year ago when Oliver was but a 10-12 week pup, Joe went over to Larcy and Phil's everyday and walked the little bugger introducing him to all the neighbors and school kids. Joe comes to the states several times a year when he is not working his tour bus. We all absolutely love Joe and are happy that Jenny lets him come back. Every once in a while when Joe is not minding his diet or getting in trouble, Jenny tells me she is sending him to my place. He also has a key to Larcy and Phil's place so he won't get cold sleeping on a park bench.
Joe's photo of Oliver is different than the one I received for Christmas. I love both photos. My photo is now in a place of honor next to my dearly departed Cricket. I really will probably never post about Cricket - his death was way too hard on me although it was 4 years ago. Since his passing, I made up my mind that there will never be a beloved pet living permanently in my home. However, Oliver can come over and stay for periods of time when his mom and dad are out of town. . . well, kind of, I told them I don't walk dogs in the middle of winter. However, I will feed, love, and let Oliver sleep in my bed as long as they find someone to walk him. When Joe is in town, that will work out perfectly!
You will see in the photo above of Joe and me, I have the infamous Lizzie Borden apron on. Although Larcy gave me a beautiful royal red crown apron (along with other stuff including cool cigar stickers!), I didn't want it to get dirty when cooking. I know that will pass but it was like still new on Christmas Day and I have cooked in it since that time. Interesting note here, last week Oliver went on a day trip to West Virginia with Jenny and Joe. That dog really has a hard life doesn't he?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Image Transfer Challenged
Keep this in mind -- here is the image I transferred this summer:
First things first -- I finished the last two page layout in my fabric book. Yes, I can do that and am not "challenged."
I even got so carried away as to iron the lace before putting down on the material. Oh my!
I used two photos printed on canvas: one is of mother's confirmation class, and the second is of her photo as a student studying to be an RN. That is one of my all time favorite photos of her. I think I told you that back in the 40s the nursing students could not be married and so she had to drop out to marry dad once he came back from WWII.
Back to my failure today. I gathered all the materials and Korie's instructions along with instructions in another book I have. How could I go wrong?
I am saving them and have to idea how I will use them. However, if my dear grandmother, Momo, saw this transfer of her looking like she had one big hairy liver spot on her face and neck, she would haunt me forever and forever, I have no doubt about it. That one will go in the trash. Ain't taking any chances. I prefer to watch my ghost hunting on TV. So, I think the first one I did I either had too much matte medium in spots and not enough in others and then I put it under the water because the paper was staying on and gluing down.
Oh well, that has been my Sunday so far sandwiched in between grocery shopping and lunch. I think I will now move on to work on the cover of my fabric book. I finally found my packing tape which in Korie's instruction I have to "cover the spin" with our books closed. When we started we cut the spine of the board books so it would allow our creativity in between the covers! *wink* Wonder if it has anything to do with the movie playing on Sci-Fi in the background, Mulberry Street, a wonderful little ditty about mutant rats turning humans into rat-like looking zombies and biting people who then turn into human zombies. Oh well, NYC gets it again.
Back to work..... Gel-medium transfers give me the hives. hiss, boo, hiss, hiss.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Honeysuckle Breeze is rainy & cloudy

Back to my creating efforts today, I worked on another page in my fabric book about the Women Who Went Before...... The page I finished used two confirmation photos of my Aunt Mary and my Mother. I really love these photos and enjoyed working on this page. I played with several layouts and finally settled on one -- yes, eventually!
The lace alone was not doing it for me so I decided to add some vining leaves which I really like. (Throughout this book I have been using my grandmother's and mother's lace I found after mother passed away.) I have a friend who liked this "leafy ribbon" so much she bought a whole roll for about $30. Yes, I am also considering ordering a roll from Angela at Angela's Happy Stamper.
Now, these leaves (for me at least) are a little tricky applying to lace since they "twist" on you. So the first thing you need to make sure is that you have it laid out correctly. And, at times, I have taken some straight pens to hold everything down while I use Tacky Glue on the green leaf area. I have never tried to sew this to ribbon and don't think it would really work. Tacky Glue is great for this.
I like the finished page a lot. The material I'm using was provided in Korie's class this past July. These are my colors and I find them enjoyable to work with. I have been having fun putting the patterns together -- I feel like a designer, oh no. But that might really be what art is all about! *wink*
I do have to admit that after I finished the "Aunt" and "Mother" page I was able to start the layout for the last page of the book. After I finish that, it will be time to work on the cover. WOW, almost there. Almost done. And most likely it will go to my niece when all is said and done. I feel good today. It is now getting time to go downstairs and cook dinner. It is still rainy outside - but you know, we don't have it as bad as some folks around the country. Take care!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
San Antonio Visual Journaling
TA DUM.................Just got my first page almost done for my visual journal and stuff from San Antonio. It was hard working on this journal either on the plane going, there, or on the plane coming home. It is completely different when traveling alone versus with your colleagues from work. BUT, I gathered items to use in the journal as the days went by. (As a side note - I took some DVDs - watched (1) The Mist - excellent Stephen King - and (2) Cloverfield (you see part of its packaging on this page) which I have not watched - but I like so love the look of the "sticker" that was on the Cloverfield case that you see below in the almost-finished page under the chipboard letter "t.")
The project on this page that I worked on was the accordion tags which I ended up using eyelets to close some of the pages and so it really isn't an accordion anymore.... I had a goody bag which was source of fun images. This "box" was compliments of Sportslink which sponsored the U.S. Army All-American Bowl. The purpose of my trip to San Antonio was to work our board meeting at this event. We (the office) is a sponsor of the U.S. Army All-American Marching Band which performed at the Bowl in the Alamo Dome on Saturday.
On the "accordion" tags I used images from the box that held chips, salsa, sweets, and water. I need to add stuff/journaling to these tags and jazz it up but as we know this is a work in progress!
As you might have just guessed when spying the photo below -- I love this next photo - this dandy squash is my new Potato Head! I know, I know it might spook some of you out there(Korie)...... but is it not a beautiful little veggie?
Tonight I cooked my infamous "Old People Lips" squash and folks I am proud to say -- it was really good. When I was cutting the squash up, I tasted it and there was a little reminder of a raw turnip but softer in texture with a bit of sweetness - pear - not sure - but good. I did not use the recipe I found online which called for it being cooked in a skillet with olive oil. I went on and put it in my roasted veggie mix and baked it in the oven. My recipe calls for green peppers, red peppers, zucchini squash, onions, olive oil, bake for 20 minutes in oven at 350 degrees stirring occasionally. I added the Chayote Squash and some minced garlic to the mix and it was great.
I love the little Perdue "right portion" chicken breasts - (especially the Italian spice ones) - cooked that and put on top of veggies, added a little soy sauce - deeelish.....if I say so myself without sounding like I'm bragging. So now with a cup of coffee I am ready to wind down from a busy but good day.
Take care friends, family, and strangers! The Honeysuckle Breeze is gently blowing the rain around and temps are dropping a little. But no snow or ice! Thank you, thank you, thank you.......
I really can do without the nuisance "stuff" where it spits and gets slick. I so hope all those in the Northwest and especially the state of Washington are taking care with all of the snows, rains, and now the anticipated floods that are getting ready to hit. God be with you as you battle the elements.