Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wisdom from the Aging - oh my......

Hello, little ones, here we are again with another bit of wisdom from my Ms. Cindy in her book, Writing Home. Pull your books out and turn to page 261. WHAT, you don't have a book? Well, like where have you been all week. OK, we will skip the lecture (on not having the book). Ms. La Ferle wrote an essay on the "Wisdom from the Aging." She asked a few individuals "to anonymously share their advice on how to grow up gracefully."

There are some jewels in these. OK, let's just start with the one for today and then you might figure out what me, Harley, is doing in a restroom in Europe...... (oh the old country knows how to do toilets).....

"# 11. Travel while your joints and bowels still work. See the wonders of this magnificent world."

Did you know my mistress is part of the Baby Boom Population (1947-she is gonna kill me)? Yup, her class was always the largest group to pass thorough the system and they are still wrecking havoc as they keep on haulin' their booty on down the road. Stats from The Center for Mature Consumer Studies (notice "mature" instead of "old" - ok, I am a young red pup far wiser in dog years than human): People over 50 account for 43% of all U.S. households; The over-85 age group is the fastest growing segment of the population; and by 2020, the senior population will number approximately 115 million. WOW - gosh darnit, can you just imagine 115 million of my mistress running rampant around the world...... oh oh.
Looks to me like she is trying to throw me to the Liberty Bell gods.... OK, back to bowels and joints. Get off your tush now, shake off the dust, and go see the wonders of the world. They are beautiful. The wind is calling your name. Now fly on it!

Pedal that bike - now! Pedal fast...... hmmm, try this one: "The current senior population possesses over $ 900 billion in spending money." Pedal fast boys and girls, keep them joints moving!


Debby said...

You silly goose, what a fun post. I loved seeing your sweet face. Hope you are having a great week.

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

We have an expression, best if heard said just the right way:

Annette said...

Joints? What about bowels??

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You sure put that imagination to work. And this post hits home (literally, since I've been warming the porcelain god for several days). Too, too funny.

Anonymous said...

Harley, you make me smile!