Friday, March 19, 2010

Prepared in the Honeysuckle Breeze?

Harley and I are having a difference of opinion. This is nothing new - to you it is since I have not discussed the little bugger much on this blog. He keeps demanding his own blog, but I am holding out.....

He wants to take a book along to Anaheim, "Hotel Hobbies" .... oh my, let's get real, Harley. Yes, it is a real book which he bought off Amazon. Try these chapters:

1. Arts & Crafts; 2. Edible Pleasures; 3. Rituals & Ceremonies; 4. Entertain Yourself; and 5. Bathroom Fun.

There are more chapters, believe it or not. Go over to Amazon and check it out....... What more can I say, while I was slaving at the office, he was reading this book. Once we got home after my workout with James, the trainer, I changed into my comfy happy clothes and tried on new socks I got for my birthday. They are spring-time-make-me-feel-so-good sockies....

However, Harley thinks we are having a fashion crisis.

Oh, Harley, you seem to forget who is the boss here and if you don't behave I might have to throw you in Oliver's toy basket.... hmmmmm, sounds like a horror movie to me.

Guess you know what kind of evening we are going to have, don't you. Before I close to get a little bit more stuff done, let me show you one of my fav pages in my travel journal. These were the first pages completed in Madison, WI, at Halloween several years ago. I was depressed, a little, that I was missing Halloween in the office, the hotel had 6 dedicated "sports" channels, no SyFy, no nothing, I called the front desk demanding a satellite dish to put outside my window. Everyone in Madison was amused by me..... do tell, I wasn't.....

You can probably determine my mood by the journaling I did.... LOL. I loved "Snakes on a Plane" - would have worked in the hotel room also .. Will try to check in tomorrow at some point. Take care and have a warm and fuzzy evening even if you are having a fashion crisis.... or Harley is having hysterics over a silly threat. Oh My! Just another regular day amongst the Honeysuckles....


Larcy said...

Come to think of it, Oliver has never met Harley. Good thing Harley doesn't wear clothes.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Harley is simply too funny. I know the two of you are going to have a marvelous trip, even if it is supposed to be business. I bet some monkey business will ensue along the way.

Just be safe. And be thankful you are not going to the Rockies or the midwest. It's snowing here.

Lovey said...

I know Harley was just trying to help with those springtime socks..ha. Look at how sorry he was...(paws over eyes) too cute. Very funny Marlynn! Hugs!

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

You're still in town :)
What will Oliver think of your pal Harley?
OK, we share many likes, snakes on a plane would NOT be one of them LOL!
I am not a horror/scary movie fan at all...I need my beauty rest LOL!
Hotel Hobbies ehhhh ... you're too funny Ms M!
word verification: "mulcho" ...
sounds like springtime fun to me, lots of it ;)