Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Winston Churchill - Where for art thou now?

Love Winston Churchill - a character bigger than life itself. A man of his time. Parliament is as foreboding and strong as Winston was. I used a Martha Stewart punch (lace doilies) on the bottom of the photo of Parliament. I thought it gave it an interesting look when coupled with some Tim Holtz distressables-doo-dads images.

Big Ben has gargoyles - don't know why that surprised me. I tend to think of gargoyles in Paris not London. I think I have seen one to many Gargoyle horror movies in my lifetime. I can't just think of them as water spouts. No way, Sherlock.

Of course the Double Decker buses are still running and I used some Tim Holtz typewriter keys to spell out "Ticket to Ride" then used the Ranger dimensional accents over the letters.

As I said in a previous post, there are so many churches. So many places to worship. How many photos can you take of these bigger than life cathedrals? I finally cut out portions of this entry way and used its pieces in different ways. Westminster was breathtaking. It was a little unnerving to realize at one point you were walking over the graves of so many great individuals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Delightful blog! Winston Churchill topic reminded me that Roz needs information on the elections for December MEJ.
:-) ;-) :-)