Just kind of grows on itself. I also painted two other small watercolor pages just to use whenever, this one especially reminds me of golden locks of beautiful hair (and of course it will probably not remain this way - LOL):
OK, before I close, I promised you some Halloween photos from the office - Dilbert and his latest "flame," Miss Art (however the "Arters" say it is a "he" - hmmmm, how can you tell?
Dressed in finery with demon spawn:
Such a good baby - (OK, I admit it, Harley refuses to babysit for his spawn):
And you know, the devil is in the details:
Gertrude is not necessarily impressed with her new Halloween obligations, but hey, she has a line in her job description, "and any other jobs as may be assigned....."
OK, what part of "not amused don't we get?"
Harley is refusing to get out of bed until after Halloween.....
So, I guess it is, goodnight to all and to all a good night!

Did you say "the office?". What kind of an office is it? I hope not the dentist!!! Poor Harley--I'd be hiding my head under the pillows, especially with the devil child--scary!!
you create the most beautiful splishes and splashes! :) I hope little Harley wasn't too scared of those Halloween creatures! :) Have a wonderful week!
Ooooh, I love all of this creepy stuff--the scarier, the better. I'm trying to talk someone to go with me to see Paranormal Activity 2, but I haven't had much luck. The first one scared the heck out of me--every little noise in my house after that was paranormal!
Love your splishy splashy paint creations
Some ghoulish good fun going on in your offices again
Poor little Harley shaking in his boots
I love your Halloween sensibilities here -- I needed the smiles today! It's a gorgeous autumn week in Michigan, and a perfect prelude to Halloween hauntings! cheers!
I would love to work in your office! My coordinator is a fuddy duddy and won't let me decorate anymore...which sucks because there is a contest here for the most fabulous Halloween decorated office!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URGH! xo
HEllo Marlynn!
I am taking a moment to read through your blog and catch up. I am away still, but missed you : )
Your painting looks fabulous! I love mixing paint as well.
Those photos of your paints and paintings make awesome pictures on their own. Love what you are doing.
I know I'm late getting here. I've had horrible back spasms since Saturday and simply can't sit for long. But I simply HAD to see how Harley was faring. Poor baby. I think that is where he is the safest, especially from that ugly spawn.
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