Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yes, sweeties, there has been some creations in the breeze

I'm sure you are now recovered from my office post tirade from yesterday..... I'm sure, get over it, babies. I told you I had been creating. You will see the beginning of a journal that I found over at the Paper Source about 6 months ago. It is called, "The True and the Questions, A Journal" by Sabrina Ward Harrison. Amazon carries it. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it ..... UNTIL...... I couldn't fall asleep the other night because I started thinking about all the stuff I have that is "undone" in my creative ventures or all the stuff I have to create before a certain deadline.

And then after finally falling asleep, I woke myself up wide awake at 3 am, thinking about all the stuff I should be doing... I know you know the vicious circle. Well, I decided I needed to make a "to do" list. So I took the journal and on the outside used up a lot of my alphabets by labeling this journal: "So many projects, So little time, So get off your butt, Do it..... (yes, I did think of Tim Gunn over at Project Runway). "Just do it." Here is the start of that list:

1. Work on all my cardboard cereal boxes ready to be made into notebook/journals. You, my firends, have seen a few of them on these pages but I've got bookoos of boxes.

I'm thinking Christmas gifts (yes, I just got inspired by visiting Artful Affirmations and seeing her lovely pin cushion, want one).... I did see some examples of Christmas cards and a journal in my latest copy of Somerset Studios and cut them out and put in the book. I wrote notes on some of the images ... like xoxo -- shorthand!

Already filled up two pages with these ideas for address books, to do books, journals, etc.

2. Next I have many photo-sleeve albums I need to do including: Paris, New York I, New York II, Philly, Estonia, Germany, Lizzie Borden and Salem.... you get the idea..... I did get London done already and it felt so good. I love this four page spread.....

I am working on Paris and will, work on it once again, when I go on the CraftChix weekend in November:

3. Arch Murder booklet. You have seen a few photos but not many because I went to work on other stuff (and I love this project but since there is no deadline, I let it sit):

So the list goes on and on... BUT, after putting it down in this journal, it doesn't seem as daunting as it was before. I love my new journal. Thank you Sabrina where ever you are and where ever you are I am sure you have made it a better place to live!

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