Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rainy Days and Wednesdays are not bad.....

This post will be a mish-mash of stuff. I have been away from you so long (OK, I'm being dramatic here) that I just can't stand it. Would I dare split the info up into several posts. No way, not my personality. I like to ramble. While I traveled, I left Gertrude in charge at the office, yes, I promoted her to Executive Assistant, abbreviated: ExecAss. She loved being in charge and is having trouble relinquishing her hold on my office. Hmmmm, must be the reading glasses.
I am digressing but before getting to sundry stuff, wanted to share with you a wonderful moment at the office today before the rains came. Two lovely deer decided to visit the building and nibble on the bush in front of the door. I managed to get some fuzzy photos of them close up and then an adorable of one of them in the shrubbery plot. I do believe they were siblings since the one kept biting the other's butt to move the kid along. Nibble, nibble...

Back to Rainy Days..... I loved that the early 70s: Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down... The Carpenters were fantastic.... But, I always love rainy days and have all my life. Guess you figured it out. It is raining and will for about the next three days... Gives me an excuse to sit and do stuff (well, OK, I do have two indoor tennis dates coming up this week). After the wonderful Michelle workshop, I need to clean up the "Alice" chaos

so I can spread out my "Stairway to Heaven" stuff from the workshop. I don't believe I told you that in the workshop we received a wonderful mini-sheet of stamps from Michelle. Yes, a special edition:

For those who don't know a lot about Valley Ridge Art Studio go over and visit and see the list of their artists that teach there all year round. Bill and Kathy are great hosts. Okie dokie boys and girls - dinner is ready so I need to post and run...... I know, story of my life. This is a bit disjointed but will make more sense later on. NO, it won't, that's just my story and I'm sticking to it!

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