Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Raindrops in the Honeysuckles

My tree caught my eye as I wandered out early to work this morning. The time: 7:15 am. This is what I saw, "raindrops" and what I thought, "keep falling on my head." The lights still on and the raindrops glistening. So I just couldn't resist.

This is a quick progress report on the ornament swap which I am obsessing about. Yesterday, after working out with the monster James, I hurried home, showered, fixed dinner, ate, and began finishing up the final two ornaments. I then ransacked a closet to find backing material. Cut cross-stitched ornaments and backing into circles. All of it is now waiting to be sewn together. So for tonight the goal is to get all 14 sewn and ready for stuffing the batting into each one. I also I have to find some ribbon that will work as the "hangers." I am bound and determined not to have to go out and buy anything for this. I have plenty of stuff to finish these with - the problem is "convincing me" to go look for it instead of heading to JoAnn's to buy it quickly. LOL.

As I said above, all the little squares are now little circles. Will report what I get done tomorrow.... Just remember to stay dry and dodge the raindrops!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What sweet ornament designs! Good for you and your discipline in NOT buying more materials! More is never enough, but often enough is enough! ha!