Monday, June 29, 2009
Reading in the soft Breeze in the Honeysuckles

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Layer Love Paint Workshop in the Breeze
Well, eventually I did get it put together and I had no excuse except to start viewing Lesson 1 and Lesson 1b.
Gotta admit it looks cute, and clean, no paint smudges..... you should see it now. Yes, it did have its baptism. OK here we go....

So, I did do lesson # 1. I did two "pages" and then created a piece with one that I cut up..... love those scissors.... The first one above is a "little" too gold in the center - it is darker in real life. I still like it and love the "paint" drips. Julie is teaching me to "layer" - be patient and let paint dry then layer again - be patient - add depth - be patient...... On to second page creation....

The one above was my first shot at it - all three paint brush strokes -- yup, I then gave upon it and went to the larger piece. After I finished the larger piece I picked this one back up and just "played" with abandon. I, at last, was confident enough that I couldn't really mess it up. Nope, it was mine... So, I ventured and cut it up:
I added ribbon and stuff. The "legs" is a work I did several years ago. It was my first attempt at using Polymer Clay. I did a number of "stamps" which I have not used in any projects - I just move them around on my workspace and then find them again...... Since the piece was so dark I added it to a piece of sheet music and will use it in a future project. In real life you can see the red paint and the texture...
Paint everywhere.....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
July's Miss Urkheimer - Honeysuckle Bowlin'
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm back home in the Breeze
I missed you all terribly terribly.... I really did. Got back home Tuesday and it has taken these two days to get the energy to stay awake past 8:30 pm! Oh 'tis great to grow old! Yep, I worked from Tuesday to Tuesday. It was work but also fun. The educational association I work for had a golf tournament, a leadership meeting for 160 of our close friends, a board meeting (I had to cover), and academies for music education teachers. We did visits to Capitol Hill and a "sing" at the Lincoln Memorial early one morning. We stayed in Crystal City across the river from Washington, D.C. It was a busy busy week but a good one. Obviously I experimented taking my photo in the hotel room. YES, I really did work... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It was so "cold" a week ago Wednesday the "pink" girls had to eventually put on jackets. Rainy and cold in June? WOW!
I did find time at night to do a few pages in my travel journal and will share a few of them with you here. The red tickets here are some of my raffle tickets I bought at the golf tournament and I won three prizes: 2 baseball tickets to see the Washington Nationals, 1 $80 meal at a restaurant at Tyson's Corner, 1 $25 gift certification to another restaurant..... I'm gonna eat well! I used the quote I received right before I left from my friends at Where Women Create and it goes, "The world is full of people who will go their Whole lives and not actually Live -- one day. She did not intend on being on of them."
I did add the "to ride" after I got home.... I love the Geico Gecko and their recent TV ads. I love the "intelligent" gecko and his hard work into the night burning the midnight oil. I found this print ad in the hotel and cut him out, added one of my tea bags and made a pocket out of it. We had a Sweet Adelines group perform at lunch and I found two of their "sequins" in the restroom that they used as a dressing room. It matched my gecko!
I really like these small signs in the hotel rooms about enjoying a "smoke-free" room. I really like the design of these trees and one night just started tearing the image out to overlay on the first sign. I wrote the hotel and the dates and a little joke to myself about watching "The Greatest Catch" - oh how I love that show and my Captain Guys!
We can't let today pass without remembering those who have passed away on Tuesday and today: Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. I suppose the most shocking to me is Michael Jackson. It is even weirder that I looked at a friend of mine about 3:00pm today and said, "I wonder who the third one will be?" She said, "huh?" And I said, "We had Ed, Farrah, and now we wait for one more...." We talked tonight and she said, "I was telling my husband what you said today while we were eating dinner watching the news about Michael." May they all rest in peace. The one I identify the most with is Farrah - we were the same age and grew up in the same world. She was a true "fighter" that Texas girl. Yes, I did my chestnut hair the same as her long blond. Yes, I was in my own mind a Charlie's Angel! She was good. Her hard struggle is now over.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Holy WOW Honeysuckle Received an Award

Debby, Debby, you brought a little tear to my eyes when you gave me this fabulous award. I want you to know that Debby has one of the most beautiful blogs I have seen and listened to, yes, I love her music. . . I love her layout and can't say enough good things about it. Please go visit and say hi to her. She is a very special soul.
I was speechless. Absolutely speechless. It is called the "fabulous blog award." How special is this!?? I am going to do as she has done and pass this award on to five blogs that I love. As she told me, you don't need to post your award or pass it on or list five things you love. But if you want...... please do!
1) Forcryeye -- She lost everything in a fire and is like the Phoenix rising! Bless you, sweetie!
2) It's All About the Little White Dog -- oh yeah..... I can say much on this one... you see this is my favorite nephew puppy's blog and he deserves "Fabulous" - yes he does. You go, Oliver. You handsome BowWow
3) We Will Always Have Paris -- Korie, my friend your blog is as fabulous as you! Yes, as fab as you dear friend.
4) Magpie's Nest -- I am certain she has received this award many times over. She has inspired me each day I read her blog. Patty how you keep those creative juices running I don't know!! You got me started in the PaperWhimsy Challenge which I am having so much fun with!
5) Lady Liberty Patriot - Terry's in Texas - I was born and raised in Oklahoma. Terry has a photo of Dale Evans with a caption "Happy Trails to You." I grew up singing that song and loving Dale Evans. Even got to see her and Roy at a Rodeo in Oklahoma. Terry, thank you for finding my blog and introducing me to yours! Yes, you are a beautiful vintage housewife!
Five Fab Things I love:
1) I love collaging in my art work and placing "secret" meanings hidden around it.
2) I love playing tennis.
3) I love the fact that I have creative and special friends (both here and in blogland) whom I dearly adore.
4) I love the fact that within this past year of beginning my blog I have met truly gifted individuals through other blogs.
5) I love the fact that Debby passed this award to me. Debby - you touched my soul.
Thank you dear friends. Just an FYI, I will be disappearing for about a week and will try to post if I get a chance. Will have to find the wii fii! And I will take my travel journal with me. You will see more creative "on the road junk" like the blue thing below which is coming apart. A little tacky glue makes everything right!
As an FYI -- TODAY IS the 30th day of keeping up the Gratitude Jounral. Thirty Days - How did you do?
Another PaperWhimsy Challenge
Make it Your Own

In the beginning, when I was starting this adventure in the art world, I would admire an artist's work and be so curious on how it was created, that I would start the process of copying the work to see if I could reproduce it in order to learn the techniques. I was not taking classes at that point. I would never finish these projects because they were not my own. I have to remind myself that by making it my own -- it is mine.
So, I decided I could use the basic design and make it my own. I quit pouting (I love pouting but no pays attention to me).... and made me my own using the basic idea. When it was done, it wasn't close to her design but I loved it. I am now using that notebook for cutouts from my Where Women Create magazines.
I know, not close but it is my own..... and I do love it. I worked on one other project from that issue. I saw a bowl that was a beautiful blue with tickets around it. I really think I was drawn to the color of the blue:
As you can see, I cut out the image and journaled underneath it. I then went into my kitchen and found a similar bowl and started to create. I have always liked this bowl because it reminds me of my grandmother's bowls - I have two of hers and this is not one of them *wink*.....
I had some tickets stamped with "hug" which I bought at a store in Rhode Island. Yes, I was hording them and bought them in 2007. OK, they worked. I glued them on with Tacky Glue.
It's fun and it holds a lot of stuff! So, thank you Michelle for reminding me of the importance to make it my own.
Friday, June 12, 2009
We have a winner!
We have a winner for the Book of Names. We had five comments left on the blog entry for the giveaway. One of those was from the author. Louise was # 4 and that is what Random.org selected in the sequence. Congratulations, Louise. I have your address and will get this book in the mail to you on Monday. I know you will enjoy this book!
Thank you to all who put your names in the drawing.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Breeze NewsFlash - no rain yet today
He is just a little cutie who travels the world with me. A well worn face from some huggy kissy time with friends. We always takes a photo on our trips all cuddled in bed....
Alrighty, this was not going to be a Harley post. He just takes over - he misses blogging. He blogged for my office on the staff blog when we had it and he was just the "cats pajamas" no matter what anyone thought! *wink* *wink*
Found some cool decorative packing tape. Now I thought it was "White" and green - but it is clear and they only put the white backing so you could see the design. I put this in the gratitude journal and if you look half way you can see where the white backing is and then the clear...
I wrote my Fav Five today and then added to the next page with the packing tape and created the facing page real quick.
I cropped this page since I used an artist creation out of a magazine. It had a quote I love, "For a long time she flew only when she thought no one was watching." If I had written down the artist name which I should have, I would have contacted her to see if I could post her creation here - but I did not have the name. Yes, I do love the look of the packing tape.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Guess What! Rainy again in the Breeze
I visited the Paper Source store the other day and found a great buy...... It is called an Electo Notebook created by Uppercase. Check out their products. I bought the Electonote Read & Write notebook. It has a wonderful collection of eclectic pages from dictionaries, old books, cards, etc.
Here is a look at some other pages:
I then decorated the inside cover page with a PaperWhimsy ad found in a magazine. Yes, I used a different one in the previous post. I love these ads!
This little journal (no, it will not take away from my Gratitude Journal right now) will be used for quotes I have been cutting out of my Where Women Create Magazines. That magazine is a treasurer trove of quotes. This has been my quick creative project for this evening while I get fat after all the carbs I ate in order to play tennis until 9:45pm this evening. OH NO..... carbs and more carbs are sitting in my tummy. Toto we ain't in Kansas any more!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Rainy Rainy in the Honeysuckle Breeze

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Laid Back in Honeysuckle Breeze
Here are pages I am playing with right now.
Once again, I used my grandfather's WWI photos in a Paris layout. Also used a Stabilo pencil which I have been reading about in several books on visual journaling. When drawn around collaged images, they do seem to pop.
I also love trying to sew in this journal. It is a challenge but worth the effort. On this Martha Stewart page from her magazine..... I sewed everything before mounting in journal. Used my mother's lace, again!
I also am adding clippings from other magazines of layouts I like. Why not? They are fun to go back to and give me some prompts.