Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Honeysuckle to Gettysburg

Last Saturday Oliver's mummy called me to see if I wanted to do a day trip to Gettysburg, PA. I started to say no, I had laundry, grocery shopping, some crafting deadlines, and I had not taken my shower yet from tennis playing that morning. All at once I thought of the essay Erma Bombeck wrote, "If I Had My Life to Live Over":

"I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace..."

You get the drift - I did - I said YES, I will let the other chores wait for tomorrow but one day with my nephew pup in Gettysburg might not come again. It was HOT - we were in a heat wave - but all four of us survived: Oliver, his daddy, his mummy, and me, his auntie. We did the auto tour of the battleground and got out of the car and looked at monuments, Oliver did his job on some of the monuments but out of respect.... you can't stop him in mid stream - you know!

He did enjoy this trip - more and more monuments to explore, butterflies to chase, little flowers to sniff. How can you not have a happy day - heat wave or not - with this little guy. Since Oliver's daddy and mummy are from Florida, daddy was very proud when he found the Florida monument in tribute to the Floridians who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg. Oliver did baptise the monument after this and daddy did get a photo of that.

We did go into the town and found a wonderful scrapbook store - Forevermore Scrapbooks. Check it out. The Gettysburg dye cuts are amazing and done on site. I was impressed, very impressed. The owner's son does them and you can probably get whatever you want. We tried to find a cafe with outdoor seating so little O could eat with us but we had to drive back to Sterling and ended up eating at GloryDays around 8:00pm.

Great trip and guess what -- I got every thing done on Sunday! So the moral of this little blog entry:

Chores can wait! Get out and do some living and some stuff you love. The laundry will get done when you get to it. Embrace the day. Be the "king" or "queen" of your own road! Oliver Rules.


Anonymous said...

I think about quotes like these all the time now...what if one day I realize I am too old or sick not to be able to go somewhere? Go now...LIVE! (Oliver is so cute!!)

forcryeye said...

Man, can I live by that quote. That little hairy nephew of yours is a doll.