Saturday, July 31, 2010

Not quite But almost..... or not

Got my "scrap" box finished today and feel good about it. Not even close to what I thought I was going to create - but I love it. From the magazine just a peak behind the brown bag where the spools of thread are - I don't feel comfortable showing the photo from the magazine:

You can get the flavor of her creation! Now mine:

Began the layering with the brown paper bag, added some tissue, image from french catalogue, flower cut from scrap book paper, Marie from clip art, Eiffel Tower wood cut die, red flowers, etc. Some aspects of it - this box is for scrap materials......

The French Lady and her trousseaux....

The Queen....
The inside covered with a file folder...

The scraps in the box...

All done........... have a serene evening. I'm going to watch "Pillars" which I recorded last night...


Createology said...

This is super fun and your scrapz are perfectly happy in their new artistic box. Happy creating...

Lovey said...

I love the scrap box...Hi Marlynn!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WAIT. Since when does all that lovely fabric become scraps? This is some serious fabric collecting if you ask me. However, the scrapz box is really dressed to the nines.

Oh, and don't forget I'm supposed to win that Zentangle book tomorrow. You KNOW I will probably slip into a depressed funk if my name isn't chosen. I even tried to bribe you on my blog last Tuesday. Happy Sunday!!

~*~Patty S said...

Those are some fancy scraps and well deserving of a special box ... Love it!