The final two pages are simple. Splatter paint on both sides. On left, add a page of an old book (I used a paperback of MacLaine's Out on a Limb with its fascinating backgrounds are great). Stamp "Dear Diary" and then uesed one of my favorite Oscar Wilde quotes, "I never travel without my diary. One should always have something SENSATIONAL to read in the train." Inkadinkado makes this stamp.
On the opposite side, I used a vellum die cut from Paperbilities. Loved these 15 die cuts - which of course are not made anymore..... Added a book page behind and also used a little bit of felt tip pens on the back to give a hint of color.
You have seen the tag.
I am very happy they sent this back to me even though they held on to it for a very long time. I have no complaints and would still encourage everyone who wants to - to submit your art work. I (laugh) when I say it was "rejected" - that is not true. It was not what the publishers were looking for at that point in time (most of the time this is true).However, I believe this little book got caught in a change over of editors and was stuck behind something since nothing from that "challenge" was ever featured or published or referred to again.
I have been working hard on "office work" this weekend since I took my Thursday snow day BUT I also got a new little red machine in the mail. I have resisted buying this one since it came out - but i caved in... The little Binderie and I have fallen in love with each other this weekend. And besides work I have really had fun creating and making! WOW, what a concept, huh? OK, as you know I haven't been doing this lately, but it is coming back.
I am using items sent to me by one of my best buds and who knows this little book may be sent back to her - a new concept in "Regifting" - don't you think? LOL
Love this image from an old book and, of course had to use it after I sewed some lace on the page.
Marie is always good with a little ear piece added in the appropriate "black" along with feathers!
And, of course I always have to have my stuff hanging out with me since I just don't know what I might "grab" to glue on a page,
Headed over to Larcy's in a bit for dinner - will get to see my nephew pup Oliver! So will close this out. You all have a good evening!