And are we having fun yet? Seemed today was one of those running around days and you never ever think will come to an end. Started out really early going to the grocery shop! Check-off list.
Got to the office to exchange Christmas gifts with friends! Check-off list.
Had lunch at Subway. Check-off list.
Managed to get over to my friend the trainer, James, and my other friend the trainer, Mary, their Christmas gifts. He demands to see me tomorrow at 9:00 am for cardio on the bike. Ugh. Check-off list.
OH my, and then the fun began. An appointment for an echo-cardiogram at my cardiologist's is not fun to get to on a Good Day - let alone on December 23 when you have to travel through roads under construction (bringing subway out our way) in an area called Tyson's Corner - two big malls, movies, Tiffany's, hotels, congestion on a good day. Barely made it to the doctor's office but I did call and warn them I was sitting on Highway 7 stopped for no apparent reason (she laughed and said two days before Xmas and you have to go down 7?) and would most likely be late for my appointment. Got to their office's and we had a jam-up in the parking garage. OH my. But all is good with the heart, they say it is very strong.
Yesterday I did manage to create a notebook for my friend Mary and took it to her today. It was really fun to do for one of her Christmas gifts and was just a simple $1.00 composition notebook as we all know and love. Used a "sea" theme cover stock to begin with since she is from Florida and then began layering:

I need to get color ink for my Epson printer and tried to print out one of my computer clip art - came out purple/pink. Yuck. So it drove me into my printed stash and I love this
ArtChix image which I have had for years. Helga's clip art is luscious and I am so happy she also has downloads and on top of that I used a 7Gypsies Document 5 Transparency below the image:

And now before I run down to fix dinner, my honeysuckle peeps, I want to share with you pages 3 and 4, of the "Thanks but No Thanks" Stampington reject brown paper bag book called "The Voyage"..... (see yesterday's post) -- Bahama Beach and Toilers of the Sea:

Pages 3-4: Paint and distress. Stamp various background stamps. Apply ephemera using old clothing tab and pages from an old book. (I so love this Lynne Perella paper from Stampington)

Second “pull out” tag: Front side: Stamp face (A Stamp in the Hand) on cover stock. Glue on a transparency. Apply page from old book. Stamp dapper men (Paper Artsy) on collage paper. Apply a decorative slide.
Been a busy day and so must run. Am working on the cross stitch apron for Larcy and her beloved cupcakes! Take care, stay safe and warm this evening. All is going well in my Honeysuckle Breeze! Hugs to all.