Saturday, June 19, 2010

Running in the Breeze thru the Honeysuckles

Hi, my Honeysuckle peeps. So sorry I checked in last Sunday and then checked out! The hours are clipping by and me and my work persona have a big meeting coming up next week. All deadlines are met, so far, and things are looking good. However, a few late nights and veggie in front of TV happened last week.....

Today, I swear I thought I would have more time, but alas, it hasn't worked out that way. I have trouble keeping up with me, what a sad tale..... To the left, boys and girls, is me at 7:30 am this morning. PRE-cardio tennis, then we had a tennis clinic on lobs, and then a few of us played 1 1/2 sets of tennis until 11:30 am. (You did fantastic Barbara! Yes, I know you are reading this!

My footsie's were and are now totally dead and I have to be on them next week. OMG. OK, I've calmed down. Me after tennis.

Oh my, see the rosy cheeks and sun brushed neck.... Drenched in sweaty clothes, hair wet and flat to my head. Hmmm, why do you think I was dumb enough to take this photo of me? Oh yeah, to show you all I am really really alive and still kind of kicking my feet.... on second thought, no, I am not kicking those little doggies just now.

OK, I did shower and ran (no drove) to Glory Days to have a late lunch. Ran to party store for pink bag and tissue and baby shower card.... leaving in a few for that party. AND, stopped at Starbucks for a wicked wonderful calorie-laden drink. And on that note my wonderful friends, I will show you a few pages from last week's workshop. I am still loving that workshop and I did find out that Jane Davies will be back at the Queen's Ink (Savage, Maryland) in November if any of you are interested in the details let me know. Would be so much fun to take a workshop with that artist and you all together..... woo hooo!

I do believe these butterflies were from Terri and the yellowed paper from Elizabeth..... Gonna be a great page to work on.... Some of you may recognize the image paper below. It is the one page I print in order to use in my Asian wax canvas art. The other is pattern tissue paper and the mermaid, one of my fav stamps, was stamped on an old book page and then not used in a piece I was working on.....

And of course, my favorite poison sticker, tea packet and my girl. Used her off and on over the years in different projects. Yes, she is always, in my world, and up to no good!

I've been working a long time on an arch book called, Mama and her Girls - or Murder runs in the family. Got the quote from an old book, 'Bitter for so long, anger is my habit." I see a nun story here..... OH my, need to get back to that - could be my summer project! OK, need to run, however, I will be back tomorrow and will be checking all of your blogs. How many times did I use the word "run" - and my feet are killing me. Hmmm, there is a lesson here.... Oh well, hugs, until I visit with you tomorrow.


LuLu Kellogg said...

Oh Marlynn.....I wish I looked as good as you first thing in the morning! I am enough to scare the dead! You even look great after you play tennis!

Love the new artwork!

I can't wait to see Murder Runs in the Family!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was really starting to worry about you. I've had deadlines, too, so you were in the back of my mind, but I didn't bother sending an e-mail. I'm sure glad you're OK and all is well. Talk to you later in the week when those puppies are less tired. I'm going to love that page, I just know it.

steph said...

Those papers are "tempting" Marlynn!!! And I'm sure it'll be another wow page!!!

Terri said...

Marlynn, I am sorry you are so busy and I hope that after this coming week things will settle down and your tootsies will recover : )
"Anger is my Habit" HA! A nuns story!

~*~Patty said...

Marlynn go lightly ;)

I would be impressed with any collage teacher that could teach you a "collage queen" any tricks!

stay cool out in the hhh (hot hazy humid!!!)
p.s. Queen's Ink rocks!