Saturday, June 5, 2010

A little Arts Festival in the Breezy Honeysuckles

Had a glorious Saturday. Played hard at cardio tennis for two hours. Man oh Man, this body ain't that young and no, kiddies, it is not all in the mind, my little ones, there are parts of the body that creaks when running for those nasty yellow tennis balls about 1 1/2 into the cardio. OUCH. OK, must not have hurt too much since I managed to meet Patricia and Loren for lunch at a place aptly named, The Breeze. This little cafe is right in the middle of downtown Herndon where we had the annual arts festival going on.....

Loved these glasses - beautiful to look at and no did not buy them:

And then I found these beauties from Nature by Design out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You won't believe what stopped me in my tracks (and then again those who have followed by 26 ATC alpabet cards will) canvas photos with images looking like the alpahabet letters..... do tell?

I am sorry that my photos do not give these works of art the credit they deserve. I bought three of them, and I have to admit, not for the "letters" they spelled -- but the sepia photos on the canvas:

These are "M," "N," and "M." The middle one is sooooo London - Jack the Ripper - LOVE it. Moving along here - I could not pass up this chair...... wish I had a place for it:

Found Xmas/Birthday gifts (Steelers Apron),

Oliver gifts for his doggie collar,

Baby Shower gifts,

And, are you ready my little chickadees? Two tie-dyes for me,

Thank you for stopping by! I now how to get up and out of this chair, go downstairs, and run (OK, walk) over to Oliver's mummy and daddy's condo and deliver my little nephew pup his scarves for his collar......


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a really different art festival. We don't get anything like that. Of course, I would have passed up the glasses, but those photos are gorgeous. I would have loved to see the entire alphabet. Nice of you to take us along. I hope Oliver likes his new fashion accessories.

Terra said...

You found so many fun things, and the sellers are happy too. The town and festival look cute.

Janet Ghio said...

Love your tie dyes! What kind of a dog is Oliver--he looks a lot like my cairn terrier Sparky, who looks a lot like a Westie!!

Debby said...

Good lord girl, how do you do everything. I can't keep up with you. Looks like you had a fun day! The art festival looks amazing and I love everything you hauled home. Sweet little Oliver is going to be thrilled with his new wears.

Terri Kahrs said...

I adore arts festivals, and this one looks as though it had a lot of lovely things to enjoy! Thanks so much for your visit! Hugs, Terri

~*~Patty said...

ooo what fun! I cannot believe that I have lived here sooo long and only made it to the Herndon Festival once many many years ago ...
your sunflower tye dye T is wonderful!
I bet it really felt like a SUMMER festival too!