Friday, October 10, 2008

Something Wicked this way comes in Honeysuckle Land

Yes, it is that time of year again. Brides roaming, witches flying, Oliver hunting, stalking, and getting the jump on the Tide bottle. Thank you, Larcy, for sharing my nephew's latest adventures in Condoland. Oliver 10 / Tide 1. What more can you ask for in my Honeysuckle Breezin' Dream. Who knows, the truth may be that my friend Larcy is working poor little Oliver's paws to the bones by making him do the laundry. Yes, Charles Dickens did write a book about unfortunate orphans named Oliver. Yes, he did.

This week went by very quickly. It was here and then gone. I was so busy with stuff that I did not have time to create much of anything this week. I am going to be working tomorrow late afternoon and evening and then on Monday (a holiday). However, this blogging has become a creative outlet and I will be working on a project soon. So today, I managed to get tennis in, laundry done, and will create a few pieces of art. The best of both worlds. What more can you ask for - once again??? What more can you ask for.....

How about INSPIRATION. I bought a poster a while back from my friend Beth who was cleaning out her craft room. How does that go? - Beth cleans out, sells to Me, who now has more stuff at some point to clean out. Hmmm, Beth is my enabler. I love the stamps she purchases in order to make incredible altered books - I should know I love them so much she has sold most of them to me. I love her talent. She is a great artist and teacher. She claims she is going to stop doing workshops so she can focus on scrapbooking. That will be a shame and I will tell Beth that! I love taking her classes. Anyway, I bought this poster by Randi Feuerhelm Watts from her. I was not familiar with Randi's work, however, her poster has a special place in my craft space and I am finding so many pieces in it that inspire me. When looking at it, awe envelopes me. I don't have a clue why it speaks to my soul so loudly.... love this quote in the work, "One night of love in Paris and you can replace anybody." I am planning on purchasing her book "Wide Open: Inspiration & Techniques for Art Journaling on the Edge" at

Last night "Most Haunted" did a live show (7 hours) from Gettysburg, PA. I was able to watch about three hours beginning at 8pm but didn't necessarily want to DVR all seven hours. To my surprise while surfing the tv guide, I see the Travel Channel is going to replay the LAST hour of it at 6pm tonight. **applause** Gettysburg is inspiring. It is a beautiful place and it seems impossible that such horrible death took place there. So many young men died in that civil war. I believe they said that more men died in three days of fighting (July 1-3, 1863) then did in the Vietnam war. My facts may be wrong. However, let us hope we have learned lessons from their senseless deaths -- who knows. The beautiful rolling green hills cascade toward the horizon beckoning you to explore. In our exploration, may we search and find our peace.

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