Saturday, August 13, 2011

Yes, it is A to Z peeps, once again

No, I have not run away from you and no I have not forgotten our next three letters, F, G, H.

I enjoyed all of these and in fact the "F" was one of the very early alpha ATC.

Enjoyed working on the G because I always love the Gypsy in my soul.

H = Help Wanted. Pink Poodle and all.

I have been busy the last two weeks. Last week made a quick run to the Queen's Ink a shop about 55 miles away. What a pleasant surprise to see how they have built up the shopping area.

Also had to clean out my office to get ready for a wood floor. This is the office I have been sitting in for 17 years.... 17 years. Yes, I did find some dust that old. Tossed files, and got it empty.

Can't wait to see it on Monday.... and yes, you too will see photos. Headed to dinner and a play tonight. I did get a "grocery box" notebook done and in the mail, will show it to you tomorrow, in the meantime here is a little peek at it,

We are getting some needed rain this afternoon, tonight, and tomorrow. At least I did get tennis in on Thursday, Friday, and this morning. Tomorrow is out, shucks! But I have Hoarders tv show going to get me motivated to grab another "bag" from the craft room to go through!


Lovey said...

Cool wood floors! Yes the rain came down hard here for a minute...waiting on mailman...rain must have gotten to the letter work...what time is hoarders on?

Terri said...

I adore your ATCS! You know it! Each one so perfectly done!

You new cereal box book looks like it is amazing. Can't wait to see more.

How fab that you will have a cleaned out office area and new floor! Nothing feels so good as getting a fresh start like that!

Dorthe said...

They are wonderful ,all 3 of them- but extra love the F-one..
And how wonderful to start all over in a new cleaned office-SO GOOD :)

~*~Patty S said...

help for the gypsy sprinkled in faerie dust...oh you DO have a way with letters and collage lady!

brand spanking new floors sound nice

and YES hoping for many more raindrops...the ground is so parched!

I won't watch the "H" show ;)
happy rest of the weekend to you M

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Your ATC's are amazing Marlynn! I love them! and your office! wow! what a feet! I bet it will feel amazing!

Janet Ghio said...

Love those ATC's--are they for a swap? And your book looks like fun.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That'll teach me to be offline for over a day. You not only got a lot of ATCs together, you also got a new floor in your office. WOW. I hope you didn't have to move that file cabinet. It looks heavy, even if it is empty. Have a great rest of the weekend, my dear friend.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

PS Can't wait to see the new book you created. I bet it's stunning.