And how was your week..... Mine went like this: Last Tuesday we had a 5.8 earthquake here in Northern Virginia. Hmmmm, never knew they were that noisy. Here on this coast (east) earthquakes don't happen and the first thing I thought of was there was an explosion somewhere. Or in the back regions of the mine - a terrorist attack? Nope, we don't have earthquakes. But we did. Rather interesting, I sometimes over think things and see things in amazement.
A freaking 5.8 earthquake - yes I did pick up the few pieces that were knocked off shelves in condo.
By Thursday our thoughts got over the earthquake and we were now focused on a hurricane called Irene. Well, Irene did do damage but here in my humble abode, wasn't that bad in Sterling, VA. I was not complaining.
However, the greatest event of the week was my new windows. Now, although I live in a condo, the cost of the windows are mine, not sure how the association got that one through while we were all sleeping, but they did. So since we got a new roof, new siding, why not go on and get the windows.
It was a production. Little did I know I would have men hanging out my windows. (I am on the third and fourth floor - what a show.) Had photos of the men hanging on my FaceBook post for those who friend me there.
Since all furniture had to be moved away from the windows, all curtains taken down, why not start washing and cleaning everything.
I swear I worked from dawn till dusk on Friday just cleaning and cleaning. Got most back to normal: bedroom,
dining room,
kitchen, a n d -- the living room almost. Yes, I am purging. How many tacky glue's can a girl have?
Made one trip to Goodwill and still working away on old magazines. I, can honestly tell you I am grateful for the show Hoarders. While purging I run the questions thru my mind; 1) trash; 2) give away; or 3) keep. I started giving some of my cross-stitch kits away - they have just been sitting. Let someone else have the joy of sewing them.
I am breathing in and out slowly. Listening again to Wayne Dyer's "The Shift" as I drive to and from work. It does my soul good to listen to him and his positive way of life and thinking. I have not created any art work and was, once again, thinking of walking away from the blog for a while. AND then before I put the Summer 2009 Artful Blogging magazine (a Stampington & Company publication) in the Goodwill basket, I read:
"When you blog, you are opening up your heart, your studio, your art, and/or your home. In many ways you bare a part of your soul. People begin to know you well and care about you and what you are writing about. An artful blog that is created by you with your words and photos and insights is a special gift that only you can give. It's always worth the work to give the gift of yourself."
So, after the year we have shared together with my breast cancer and the comfort, care, prayers, and love you all gave me, hey, I will hang in while I get this purging done and go through my dry spell. My muse is off on vacation but I know she will be back shortly. And, I still have a few more alpha ATC cards to share with you. The news for this week is that I will be going to the US Open Tennis Tourney in NYC on Thursday and will have some photos for you. If you would like to "friend" me on FaceBook, please feel free to do so. I have been posting there more recently than the blog - why, because I do it from my little "crackerberry" - LOL.