Once upon a time I was a redhead without a hat
But one who knew how to have fun at a party - royal or otherwise
It was a glorious wedding day for William and Catherine, and to top it off, two kisses on the balcony.
You have to admit they know how to throw a party. I think it is needless to say the crown is not dead in England. Did you see all the people -- young, old, and in between helping the Queen throw a shindig right there at the Palace and you know in the streets tonight.
I loved my visit to London in 2005. I have always felt in another time that is where I lived, London not Paris.
Walk with me down memory lane,
The Peter Pan Statue,
Buckingham Palace
The statues
the fountains
The palace intrigues
The Tower
and all the little princes and knights
There is a lot of sorrow and sadness in the world. Let us be grateful that we had a chance to be swept away to another place on a grand holiday. May the Lord bless the lovely couple and may they walk in His way and celebrate their love together as husband and wife. It will be fun to watch their story unfold. And yes, I still get chills when I hear "God Save the Queen" sung, especially in Westminister Abby, 20 Dean's Yard, London. You notice she doesn't sing it to herself.... I think it is now time for High Tea!