Yes, my little honeysuckle peeps, I made it through yesterday. Moving slowly today and mainly staying in my recliner nibbling and napping. What a day it was but you know what, I met a lot of marvelous folks who care deeply about all of us. (And had two wonderful friends taking care of me-they did it in shifts!) It was a long day, didn't get home till 10:00pm last night. So, if you remember on Thursday, I could chomp down on food until midnight.
Which I did,
Then Friday morning I was allowed 4 ozs prior to 9am. 4 ozs is not a lot but better than nothing. I chose coffee just in case I might get a caffeine headache during the day, I chose coffee and so did Harley. Oh WOW did it taste good all 4 ozs and was to be last liquid I got until 8:30pm Friday night.
We arrived at the Women's Imaging Center at 10:00 am for the first round of procedures prior to the surgery. Harley helped check me in.... what a little dude! Them nurses were makin' eyes at him and he was just lovin' it....
After that round of procedures which were not as painful as the next round and which I was SO not looking forward to..... we walk across the street (while the numbing meds are suppose to be working... looked like whipped cream, yes I was hungry) to the....
the Rear Entrance... What is this, you already ashamed of Harley and me. The REAR ENTRANCE? The answer was "no" ... this was how the celebs got in without the photogs. OK, not drugged enough to accept this but will live with it. Got the nuclear medicine injected into me in three places with tiny ugly burning painful needles. OK, needles weren't bad but the nukes were. You know what they (yes the nurses) said? I got the bestest ever doctor to inject the stuff - but - being the best he does it the really correct way and so it hurts a lot more than some other doctors. What a line that was, he was just lucky nurse was holding down left arm because it was in the correct position to come up and hit him in the side of the head and take him out. If i ever ever have to do that one again - we are sending in the Harley or doing heavy duty meds and i am in la la land. O U C H......
Poor Harley was not convinced he was going in the Patient's Belonging Bag and put his paw down and refused to go any further,
Instead, he help the nurse check me in and began to review the stats.
He was even able to meet the surgeon and go over details of my after-care recovery, no lifting heavy weights for 10 days, no tennis for 10 days - i didn't hear anything after that trying to count on two hands what date the 10 days were....... oh yes, did hear that they were running behind in OR and my surgery was delayed from 1:00 to 3:00pm. I began muttering what I wanted to eat, bacon and eggs, ice cream, roast, stew, more pumpkin pie - no one was writing the order down. Then I gave up and asked for drugs. Eventually I met the man I fell in love with - the anesthesiologist who promised me drugs. I was happy and don't remember too much after that .... except eventually I woke up in the recovery room.
The operation took 3 hours since surgeon could not find too many lymph nodes, do tell, didn't know they could get lost. However the one (I think she found two)she did find was clean of cancer. Whoop. I have three incisions and will see her next week for our next steps. Of course, she took out the mass and then some to make sure she got it all. She is very good! I vaguely remember seeing her in the recovery room. Got home, and have been napping and nibbling ever since. Today, of all days, what do you think arrived at my door? A box from a dear artist in California who reads this blog but never leaves comments. Jill Robertson sent me an email and requested my address so she could send me something,
The photo above was the "backside" of the box..... and inside was a tag book and two other items. But I want to draw your attention to the tag book,
You will see more of it this week, but right now Harley is pulling on my good arm to go and lay back down in the recliner. Need to close my eyes. I am taking Tylenol - have the heavy duty pills but I don't think the pain is that bad to break open the bottle, y e t - that is... I will if I need them. Will try to get back with you tomorrow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, good wishes, and hugs and love, it has gotten me thru this journey so far and I feel so blessed to have you all in my life.
I'm off to nap! H UGGGGGSSSSSS.........
T Stands for Christmas cards and gifts
1 day ago
Sending tons of love, good wishes, hugs, kisses, happy thoughts, and big smooches!!! xoxoxo
Wow! Can't believe you are back home already!! Glad you are in your own place and happy Harley was at your side yesterday!! YAYA--clean lymph nodes--we like those!!!
Such a good sign hearing from you on your bbb missy!
Love that!
Harley is a trooper, I would also refuse getting stuffed in a plastic bag!
Bless your friends and bless the doctors and good riddance to what they removed!
I got misty eyed just seeing the box from Jill and what you showed us...very special indeed!
Rest Easy Ms Honeysuckle!
Oh my God Marlynn! I'm sorry I didn't speak to you before your surgery! I'm so glad it went well. You are my Marlynn forever!
I am so thrilled for you that the surgery is over and you are home healing. I am also delighted (not even a good enough word) that they got "It" all.
Maybe all your tennis built up musculature that hid your lymph nodes???
Thank goodness for Harley and your friends!
Hugs and hugs,
I had no idea about any of this! I am so sorry to have fallen behind blog reading. Thank god the nodes were clean..and that Jill---she's amazing. Marlynn..sending you a huge hug (but not too tight) and praying you are back to normal soon! xoxo
Excellent news all around Marlynn!! So glad to hear that your home and with your spirit--you'll kick that cancer to the curb!!
Thinking of you and sending healing energy your way. xoxo Katherine Engen (Valley Ridge Art Studio)
Very touching reading your blogg. You are always so honest, and the light comes through. Thinking of you.xo
Clean lymph nodes sound like a wonderful thing. I'm sure Harley is dancing and celebrating. Of course, the horror of those needles sent shivers through me. I am sorry to read about the needles, but so glad to read about the outcome. Hope you are filled with pumpkin pie, roast beef, and anything else you can handle today.
I can't wait to see the cancer book. You have a lot of blogging friends, even those who never comment. Just goes to show how much your presence on the internet has influenced others. Take care, dear friend.
Love you, Marlynn! Prayers from San Diego.
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