"Never fear shadows,
They simply mean
there's a light
near by"
Got back from my annual spiritual journey to the Life O Riley Farm and
Valley Ridge Art Studio where I spent a wonderful three days in a workshop with Michelle Ward.
Needless to say, a great time was had by all!
This workshop, which I will be posting about over the next few days, was titled, "Raise the Bar."
"It's a small step from Brave to Bravo" -- Michelle Ward
More art work tomorrow. Flying back from Wisconsin I managed to catch what I call the "airplane" cold - big time. OK, I did get a flu shot the week before and I knew it wouldn't kick in for about two - three weeks, but as I got in my car today, whining to do no one but myself, I realized it is all in your perspective of life. A common cold/flu on one hand - no big deal.
So as I feed the cold (?) with chicken soup and my fav V8, I will be taking photos of the art work I created at this workshop - I was blown away, stretched, shamed into a painting, laughing out loud, playing my painted drum sticks to the music of "Little Drummer Boy" - yes we had a great time. Harley was also along for the ride in his pink bandanna!
Rock on you little honeysuckle peeps....... it is a glorious day seen through sneezing and coughing. xoxo