Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Summer Vacation in and out of the Breeze

I know peeps - it seems like ages since I have been with you and I have missed you terribly. Yes, I have. So, let's play catch-up over the next few days, Okie Dokie? Have you forgiven me from disappearing? No? - sure you have. Harley knows you have....

Last weekend Harley and I departed for the wild unknown of Harper's Ferry, West Virginia to spend a Summer in Paris. We first stopped for lunch at our fav Coney Island Diner and shared a Patty Melt. We then hopped in the HHR and dialed up our GPS with OnStar and off we went. This was a fun weekend since I was only scheduled for two classes: Photography with Marirosa and a canvas book by Cami.

The first fun I had was making a grocery box journal for a dear one whose name is Sandy. SHE is so sweet to me, she always surprises me with a small gifts when we see each. This time it was a wonderful book about women who murder! Such a special gently soul she is - and she knows what I like.

The only reason I bought this Roast Beef Hash from Trader's Joe was because of the packaging and a lovely journal it made.

OK - I added the "inspiration" myself - not the original packaging! Here is a compilation of different pages I prepared for the book. The first is out of an old old book I bought from the flea market guy that Korie invited to stop by with his wares. Do you not love this dancer on page 2125? (OK, I added a little something):

The next photo shows you the different papers and pages I included in her journal with various stamps through out the book.

And how could you possible resist this?

The lovely Cenia's mother, Ramona made bunches of these aprons for us and I bought one for me and one -as an early Xmas gift- for Larcy. You too can own one when Korie puts them in her Etsy Shop. Here is a description of the aprons at We Will Always Have Paris. Look for Ramona's Gypsy Aprons soon on Etsy.

Supplies were ready for both the grocery box journals (yes, I got papers cut and sized, and now just have to put them together .....) ..... oh no, this putting them together is happening in the dining room. Not good, my little peeps, not good, but it has been very warm and downstairs is better than upstairs. I did finish my PaperWhimsy small journal today and here is just a little little sneak peek:

Tomorrow - I will show you some photos from Marirosa's Photo Class. So much fun! Harley was the perfect model...... the little tease...

OH my, we discovered sepia....... oh my! Be back tomorrow. In a nutshell, the past few weeks have been spent making up rain dates for Wednesday night Team Tennis on Monday nights and Wednesday nights, played my LAST team tennis game this past Wednesday. On Thursday went to NYC and the US Open on a bus - saw the cutie Roger Federer play! OH wow. Played tennis yesterday and today and will play tomorrow - but will also post on my adventures in photography! And I got a new little upgrade for the Blackberry - yes I got the Torch, couldn't let all my "I" phone buds have all the fun, now could I?
Hugs and have a wonderful spooky Saturday night! Headed over to switch between the Tennis Channel and SyFy all night!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What an adorable post and what a great shot of Harley! No, not the one in sepia (grin). Sounds like a really exciting and fun filled week. What a great way to spend your vacation. My neighbor will be so jealous you got to go to the US Open. I bet she's watching it now on one of her 5000 channels (grin).

Love Miss Guided. That was clever and the apron was darling. I'm not an apron person, but sure like that one.

I'm so glad you are back. I have missed you. Have a great rest of your vacation.

Janet Ghio said...

Oh that Harley! I've missed him! The Miss Guided sash--so funny and the apron is darling. Like that book you were making for your friend!

Diane said...

Great post and VERY fun vacation you've been having,and of course I love all of your photos with your colorful descriptions. I love this time of year --when Fall is in the air even if it's still a little hot.

~*~Patty S said...

fun imagining you going down the grocery aisle shopping for labels NOT food ... my kinda gal!

Korie is something else ... how cool to have someone come to you all at your Paris extravaganza with vintage goodies!
Miss Guided is too cool for school!

I really get the "it's too hot upstairs" ... same here ... but aren't these cooler temps delicious!
Enjoy Enjoy ... such fun seeing all of your great creations and more to come!

Julie Prichard said...

Inspiration in a almost had me putting on some shoes and racing down to Trader Joes! LOL

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see Harley is still getting around these days. I think I need that "Miss Guided" sash too! As always, it's a delight to see your wonderful handiwork.

Terri said...

O.k. I guess I can forgive you since you were out arting around and playing tennis too! As long as you weren't sick or doing something responsible!
I did miss you!
So glad you are back and having fun.