Tomorrow is Father's Day and I love my brother's quote on FaceBook.
"Treasurer your father before he becomes a buried treasurer."
With my brother, you sometimes don't know how he would say this if her were in the room. At first, I did laugh out loud and trust me, our dad would have done the same. As a matter of fact we had a grand time at his grave site burial - yup laughter and tears especially when my brother and I started to break out in song (always sung on the road when we were young and encouraged by Dad) 99 bottles of beer on the wall . . . My aunt called a halt to that "celebration" - yes, a good time was had by all.
So I just wanted all of you who still have your Dad around -- cherish the time that you have them. Yes we have all been through good times and bad with our parents. I choose to honor his time here on earth. I'm sure him and Mama are having a fine time in heaven watching their two children (my brother and me) trip through this life with laughter and still trying to one up each other.
Don't let me get started on brothers! OK, love you baby bro!
I love that first photo of your dad--that little moustache. What year do you think that was taken?
oh so true...and I do still cherish my dad, all 80 years and counting! love the old photos of your dad...
I'm a little late getting here, but still wanted to say how glad I am that you can look back on your dad with such happy and wonderful memories. It's always good when you can laugh and sing when you are at a grave site.
Your photos of your dad are fabulous. I would probably print some out and use them in an art journal.
Hope you are having a super week.
I found lots of interesting information here. The post was professionally written and I feel like the author has extensive knowledge in this subject.
Just stopped by to say hello .. I have been going through a rough summer and missed your blog. A lovely post here about your dad. Mine died when I was 38, suddenly, and I miss him every single day. Your post brought lovely memories back. Hope all is well with you, Marlynn!
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