A jelly jar, some sheet music, some flowers, some leaves, some ribbon all coming together to make my candle to burn outside tonight in honor of all the beautiful souls lost on September 11, 2001. Nine years. Nine years and on these anniversaries the images replay not only on TV but in our minds and our souls. We remember where we were. We remember who we were with. Images forever burned.
In my gratitude journal on 9-11-01 I wrote, "It is so sad to see so many looking for the missing following the terrorists attack. Those poor souls, Jesus comfort them and the loved ones they have lost. Watching the second tower come down was surreal....as if watching a movie, over and over again. Driving home was eerie - since there were no planes flying over. Taking the trash out was unreal since everything was so, so quiet - like the world was dead. No planes, no one outside, all were wrapped in the nest of their home watching TV hoping against hope that there would be people found alive. God give us patience and comfort. Let us kill all the terrorists. Oops, God give me patience. May all the souls that came to you today know that we all pray for their families. May Jesus give them the hope, love, and courage to carry on."
We saw the devastation that a few evil men can do to the whole world. September 11th was one day I don’t believe any of us could ever forecast nor can we ever forget. At our office on the Friday following the 11th, President Bush asked America to honor those lost and missing by having a moment of silence and a day of remembrance beginning at noon. We put out some candles, some roses, and let staff visit the recital room for moments of silence. At noon, a co-worker, who is also a friend, and I did a short service. It just seemed that we needed to gather together in a group -- she played the piano, I wrote and did a meditation, and then played a video that by brother,
Jim Likens, had produced and written in 1997. It is still one of the most beautiful songs ever written and it spoke to all of us that day and touched our hearts,
"God Knew Your Name"Words and music by Jim Likens© 1997 Jim Likens
Before the light of day, shined on your little face God knew your name.
When no one else could see how precious you would be, God knew your name.
And He held you so close in His loving hand
And He wanted all to see, that
Before the light of day, shined on your little face, God knew your name.
Before you walked around, before you first fell down, God knew your name.
Before you rode your trike, and then that first red bike, God knew your name.
He was with you everyday, right there by your side
Even when you made mistakes.
And before the light of day shined on your little face, God knew your name.
Before those wedding bells rang their story well, God knew your name.
Before that first new home and children of your own
God knew your name.
And through all times, both the good and bad, He held you in His hand, and
Before the light of day, shined on your little face, God knew your name.
As you gracefully grew old you know you had been told
God knew your name.
And one day when you died and your friends and family cried
God knew your name. And the angels carried your soul to me
And I said "Welcome home!"You were one of mine, I loved you for all time,
I knew your name.
You were one of mine, I loved you for all time,
I knew your name."
Let us all have a silent moment of meditation tonight, light a candle, and remember -- God knows each and everyone one of our names -- and at the same time, remember, angles are gathered round those who went to heaven on that day 9 years ago.