Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From My Universe:

"Wild, huh, Marlynn, how the entirety of living deliberately can be summed up in just three words?

Thoughts become things.

Of course, beliefs are important too, but your thoughts can change what you believe.

And words are important, they're your thoughts that will become things the soonest.

And taking action is absolutely critical, because more than anything else, it creates expectation.

Spread the word,
    The Universe

PS  You were thinking chocolate, vanilla, Marlynn, and strawberry?"

And now after dealing with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry all I can say is "Happy Lunch Time," Peeps. No matter when your lunchtime arrives. 

This will be a quick one..... no don't go there, no quickie jokes.  

I'm headed out again tomorrow but wanted to share two new art journal pages in my little itty bitty book and my note from the Universe today.

Enjoy your Tuesday, and your Spring!


Janet Ghio said...

I always love reading your notes from the Universe and these two pages are superb!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I got a laugh from your note from the Universe today. Chocolate is OK, but you can keep strawberry. Not my idea of yum!

My idea of YUM are these two journal pages. Not sure which I like more, since they are both so very different. How fun to be able to play that way!!

Have a safe trip wherever you are headed.

Dorthe said...

Your thoughts became these two fantastic pages in your book- maybe they also helped to tast something sweet and yummy :-)
wonderful note from your universe, dear Marlynn.

Annette said...

Can I borrow your Universe's saying for my facebook page?

Terri said...

Oh I do not know how I missed your post!
You two journal pages are fabulous, for sure! Wow, I love both of them so much. Color, content, placement, theme....I could go on! Well done Marlynn!

~*~Patty S said...

Lovely journal pages...
the blooming one really speaks to me...
and those three simple words are so wise...aren't they
