From My Universe:
"Wild, huh, Marlynn,
how the entirety of living deliberately can be summed up in just three words?
Thoughts become things.
Of course, beliefs are important too, but your thoughts can change what you
And words are important, they're your thoughts that will become things the
And taking action is absolutely critical, because more than anything else, it
creates expectation.
Spread the word,
The Universe
PS You were thinking chocolate, vanilla,
Marlynn, and strawberry?"
And now after dealing with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry all I can say is "Happy Lunch Time," Peeps. No matter when your lunchtime arrives.
This will be a quick one..... no don't go there, no quickie jokes.
headed out again tomorrow but wanted to share two new art journal pages in my
little itty bitty book and my note from the Universe today.
Enjoy your
Tuesday, and your Spring!