Sunday, November 1, 2009

Honeysuckle Breeze November Days......

I just can't believe we are already into November. Did I remember to set my clocks backward last night? Nope, by the time I got home from the wonderful Halloween Party I started watching what remained of Ghost Hunters still going on and it didn't really matter since I was setting no alarm clock! First time in 12 days.

I did manage to get the Xmas Ornaments done for the swap. You will see that I decided to sew a button on the ribbon and then using Tacky Glue just slapped that baby to the back of the ornament (and yes, almost glued my finger to it).

Now we are focusing on the recipe cards. Almost there. Today is rainy and I am headed to a musical play this afternoon but can still get some work done before I head out.

So in closing...... a photo from my blackberry right after I put on the glorious eyelashes..... REMEMBER, the eyes have it.... OK, you can rest easy, the eyelashes are now packed in the Halloween stuff waiting to come back out next year.


Unknown said...

Yep, Halloween is over so it's on to Christmas preparations! Sweet ornaments. Such a precious size.

I would be tempted to wear the lashes for other dramatic outings, say, Opera Night? You look fab in them!

verification word (another good one): "oforreal"
Surfer speak for "nay verily".
o for real! When the word "duuuuuude" just doesn't cover it.

hahahahaha. I crack myself up!

Annette said...

Cool eyes, cuz. And Nathalie, I like oforreal for "nay verily", and I especially like that someone would know what "nay verily" means!

Marlynn said...

You both are oforrealing me out. You young things.

forcryeye said...

I would like the ornament with the big brown eyes and false eyelashes for my tree!

Terri said...

Your ornaments turned out so pretty! And yes, those are some fab lashes girl!
Time to move on and enjoy the season of thanksgiving before the holly jolly season approaches :)

Anonymous said...

love these, and love all your halloween pics and fun on your blog
Hugs June x