What a wonderful time was had by all on Thanksgiving Day. Yesterday was spent recouping after eating and eating on our Turkey day.... and OK, we got in a movie also, 2012, which I loved! Critics begone! It was a wonderful festival of special effects along with a good story and an ending that I had not figured out. OK, boys and girls, quit snickering.... I know what happens on December 21, 2012.... Go see the movie or rent the DVR when it comes out and then let me know if your snickering was worth it.
Scenes from a holiday celebration.......
The table was set in anticipation of the day to come....
The dressing was waiting....
The turkey was cooked
and carved
The guests were all gathered...
Phil, Larcy and Oliver,
Marlynn and her brother, Jim,
Her nephew/Godson Aaron,
What more can be said --- Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all I hope you had a grand time fighting the crowds on Black Friday and were successful in buying your bargains. Now we just need to take a breath and get ready to start our Christmas Holiday planning! Love, hugs, and kisses to all!

Marlynn, It looks like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving day!
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your family!
We too had a lovely day of family and friends.
What am I thankful for?
Hi Marlynn, it looks like you had a fab time and sounds like a lot of fun. A lovely gathering of friends and family
stay well my friend
hugs june x
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