Yes, all good things come to an end and our little nephew pup Oliver went home with mommy and daddy this afternoon. He was anxiously awaiting their return and kept wanting to go outside to watch for them. We are happily reporting that they had a great reunion. I then proceeded to do laundry, buy turkey, and finish the November page for our Edward Gorey calendar.....

So from this:

To this:

I love you Edward Gorey...... I really do.
You know dear Edward is spinning in his grave with what I have done to his art work these last 11 months. Yes, 11 months I have been doctoring his "Neglected Murderesses Calendar for 2009." This month we have dear Nurse J. Rosebeetle who "tilted her employer out of a wheelchair and over a cliff at Sludgemouth in 1898." Do tell...
Now most of you know, and some of you don't (as I found out), I make up most of the story to go with the illustration. I have a murderous sense of humor and a taste for the blood. I imagine that dear Jane (as she has become known to me) Rosebeetle had a sad life which led her to the white cliffs in Dover. She started out as an orphan # 3481 in a small village east of the cliffs. No one claimed the child who was left on the doorstep. She grew up in orphanage and decided to become a nurse instead of a sister. The nuns were disappointed. However, much better off with Jane going to join the nurses...... Jane flourished at the nursing school and you would have thought all was well.
She headed out to work with old men in wheelchairs who lived in mansions. Why? It makes a good story and we don't have a Miss Marple mucking up the tale. Nurse Rosebeetle was sought out in the village for her excellent care of old men. Then one day she found a letter ... one letter from a man to his preggers girlfriend. "Dear J - sorry, can't marry you. Get rid of baby j. Think of her as an ugly little rose beetle. Sincerely, Colonel Beckham." Jane realized she had found her father and decided to show him exactly what a Rose Beetle does to the roses. Suck them dry from the root up. So, instead of that, she just rolled the poor soul over a cliff. Probably the very first roller coaster...... Yes, as in true Gorey detail, she was caught and put in jail as Inmate 3481. She came full circle in her life and never did regret dumping poor ole dad over the ledge.
So from this:
To this:
I love you Edward Gorey...... I really do.
I love your story, fabulous. Great work. Glad to hear Oliver had a wonderful weekend.
You visited my house when I was about six or eight. You didn't seem so strange THEN! I like your story.
I love Edward Gorey as well, and I love your macabre sense of humor! I can still recall as a child laying on the floor looking through my Dad's Edward Gorey and Chaas Adams books! Put me on a path to vampires, dark humor, and friends with a unique sense of humor! mwah!
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